Category: Self Care

How to Self-Care in Times of Crisis?

Life is full of unexpected twists and turns, and sometimes, we find ourselves in the midst of a crisis. Whether it’s a global pandemic, a natural disaster, or a personal hardship, these challenging times can take a significant toll on our mental and physical well-being. Self-care is more important than ever during these periods of crisis. But what does self-care actually look like, and how can we practice it effectively? Let’s dive into some practical tips and strategies on how to self-care in times of crisis.

Understanding Self-Care

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of self-care practices, let’s clarify what self-care actually means. Self-care is any activity that we do deliberately to take care of our mental, emotional, and physical health. It’s about being kind to ourselves, listening to our needs, and taking steps to meet those needs. During a crisis, self-care might look a bit different than usual, but the core principle remains the same: taking actions that help you feel better.

Why Self-Care Matters in Times of Crisis

In times of crisis, our normal routines are often disrupted, and the stress and uncertainty can feel overwhelming. Practicing self-care is crucial because it helps:

  • Reduce Stress: Engaging in self-care activities can lower your stress levels and help you feel more grounded.
  • Boost Resilience: Taking care of yourself strengthens your ability to cope with adversity.
  • Improve Mental Health: Self-care can alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression.
  • Enhance Physical Health: Simple self-care practices like eating well and getting enough sleep can have significant physical health benefits.

Step One: Acknowledge Your Inner Volcano

First things first: it’s okay to not be okay. Crises are stressful, period. Ignoring your emotions is like trying to hold a beach ball underwater – it might work for a while, but eventually, it’s gonna pop, and probably soak you in the process.

Instead, acknowledge your feelings. Are you angry? Scared? Totally overwhelmed? Name those emotions and give yourself permission to feel them. Bottling things up only intensifies the pressure. Talk to a trusted friend, write in a journal, or have a good, cathartic scream into a pillow (just maybe not at work).

Befriend Your Body (Because It’s Probably Freaking Out Too)

Our bodies are amazing things, but they don’t exactly appreciate constant stress. When the fight-or-flight response kicks in, it can wreak havoc on your sleep, appetite, and energy levels. So, let’s give our bodies some TLC.

  • Move Your Body: Exercise is a natural stress reliever. Even a brisk walk or some yoga poses can work wonders. Plus, endorphins (those feel-good chemicals) are your new best friends.
  • Fuel Up Wisely: Ditch the comfort food (yes, we’re looking at you, the entire sleeve of Oreos). Nourish your body with healthy, whole foods that give you sustained energy. Think fruits, veggies, lean proteins, and whole grains.
  • Sleep Like a Boss: Aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night. Create a relaxing bedtime routine, ditch the screens before bed, and make sure your sleep environment is cool, dark, and quiet.

Tame the News Monster (It’s Probably Not Helping)

Constant exposure to negativity can be a major drain on your mental well-being. Take control of your news consumption. Designate specific times to check reliable sources for updates and avoid doomscrolling on social media. Remember, you can stay informed without getting bombarded by every worst-case scenario.

Reconnect with the Things That Make You Smile

Life can get so serious during a crisis that we forget the little things that bring us joy. Make a conscious effort to schedule activities you genuinely enjoy, even if it’s just for 15 minutes a day. Whether it’s reading a good book, listening to your favorite music, or spending time in nature, prioritize activities that make your soul sing.

The Power of “No”

Boundaries are your superpower during a crisis. It’s okay to say “no” to extra commitments, draining conversations, or anything that zaps your energy. Remember, self-care isn’t selfish; it’s essential for maintaining your well-being.

The Village You Need (and Deserve)

Humans are social creatures, and connection is key during challenging times. Don’t isolate yourself. Reach out to friends, family, or a support group. Talk about what you’re going through and lean on the people who care about you. Remember, you’re not alone in this.

Embrace the Power of “Maybe Later”

Sometimes, the best self-care strategy is simply acknowledging that you can’t do it all right now. There will be days when a shower feels like an accomplishment, and that’s perfectly okay. Let go of perfectionism and focus on small, manageable steps. You’ll get there one (sometimes wobbly) step at a time.

Read more about “Self-care During Times of Crisis in the World” on our blog page now!

Cedarway Therapy: Your Self-Care Partner

At Cedarway Therapy, we understand the importance of self-care, especially during challenging times. Our experienced psychologists offer virtual therapy Ontario sessions tailored to your individual needs, making it easier than ever to prioritize your mental health from the comfort of your home. Whether you’re dealing with stress, anxiety, or any other mental health concern, Cedarway Therapy is here to support you every step of the way. As your self-care partner, we are dedicated to helping you achieve a healthier, more balanced life.


Self-care in times of crisis isn’t a luxury—it’s a necessity. By taking deliberate steps to care for your mental, emotional, and physical health, you can better manage stress and build resilience. Self-care looks different for everyone, and it’s important to find what works best for you. Whether it’s establishing a routine, connecting with loved ones, practicing mindfulness, or seeking professional help, every small act of self-care can make a big difference. Be patient with yourself and take it one day at a time. You’ve got this.

Remember, self-care is a journey, not a destination. There will be good days and bad days, but by incorporating these practices into your routine, you’ll be better equipped to weather the storm. So, take a deep breath, be kind to yourself, and know that you’ve got this!

Feeling lost at sea in a life crisis? Don’t just weather the storm – navigate it with self-care strategies. Cedarway Therapy can be your lighthouse, guiding you towards calmer waters and a renewed sense of inner strength. Our expert therapists will help you develop a personalized self-care plan to weather any storm and emerge feeling more resilient than ever. Contact Cedarway Therapy today – because you deserve to feel calm and in control, even during life’s toughest moments.

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Self-care During Times of Crisis in the World

In the swirling tempest of global crisis, from pandemics to social upheavals, the need for self-care stands as a lighthouse amid turbulent seas. Now, more than ever, as the world grapples with uncertainty and adversity, the importance of nurturing our mental and emotional well-being cannot be overstated. Amidst the chaos, Cedarway Therapy’s virtual therapy Ontario emerges as a beacon of hope, offering a lifeline to those seeking solace and support in navigating the stormy waters of self-care during times of crisis in the world.

Understanding the Weight of the World

First things first, acknowledging the weight that global crises place on our shoulders is crucial. It’s not just about the collective impact but the personal, intimate ways in which these events disrupt our lives. From sleepless nights worrying about the future to the constant stress of adapting to a “new normal,” the strain is real and palpable. Read our blog post “How to Talk to Children About Crisis in the World” to guide you on how to make children understand the complexities of the world around them.

In Ontario, as in many parts of the world, we’ve witnessed firsthand how these crises can morph from headlines to personal stories, affecting our communities, families, and our very sense of stability. It’s in these moments of shared vulnerability that the importance of self-care becomes most evident.

Tips for Navigating Crisis

  • First off, it’s okay not to be okay. Crises are fraught with emotions — fear, anger, sadness, you name it. Virtual therapy can provide a safe space to unpack these feelings with someone who’s trained to help you navigate them. It’s like having a guide through the emotional wilderness. Set limits on your news consumption and social media scrolling. Maybe check the news once in the morning and once in the evening — and that’s it. Your brain will thank you.
  • When the world feels like it’s in disarray, having a daily routine can provide a sense of normalcy. Virtual therapy can be a part of this routine. Scheduling regular sessions gives you something to count on, a checkpoint in your week where you can focus on your mental health. Exercise isn’t just good for the body; it’s a powerhouse for mental health. You don’t have to run a marathon. A daily walk, some yoga, or a dance party in your living room can work wonders for your mood. Isolation can amplify the effects of a crisis, making everything feel ten times heavier. Virtual therapy offers a connection in times of isolation, but don’t stop there. Reach out to friends and family, even if it’s just a quick text or a Zoom call. We’re social creatures, after all.
  • Mindfulness can help ground you in the present moment, while gratitude shifts your focus from what’s wrong in the world to what’s right. Start or end your day by listing three things you’re grateful for. You might be surprised by how much this can shift your perspective. If you’re feeling the strain, now might be the time to explore virtual therapy. Ontario has a wealth of options, from one-on-one counseling to group sessions and everything in between. Look for services that suit your needs and preferences — and don’t be afraid to “shop around” until you find the right fit.

Recommendations for Managing Mental Health During Times of Crisis

Managing mental health during times of crisis is crucial, not only for maintaining personal well-being but also for ensuring that we can effectively navigate the challenges that come our way. Whether it’s a global pandemic, economic downturns, social unrest, or personal hardships, crises can significantly impact mental health. Here are comprehensive recommendations for managing mental health during such times:

Stay Connected with Your Support System

Isolation can exacerbate feelings of anxiety and depression. Make an effort to stay connected with friends, family, and loved ones, even if it’s virtual. Regular check-ins via phone, video calls, or messaging can help maintain a sense of normalcy and provide emotional support.

Limit Exposure to News and Social Media

While staying informed is important, constant exposure to distressing news can heighten anxiety. Set specific times to check the news or social media and stick to reliable sources to avoid misinformation, which can cause additional stress.

Maintain a Routine

Crises often disrupt daily routines, which can add to feelings of instability. Try to establish a new routine that includes regular sleep patterns, healthy eating, work or study times, and leisure activities. This can provide a sense of order and normalcy.

Exercise Regularly

Physical activity is a powerful stress reliever. It doesn’t need to be intense or time-consuming; even a daily walk or a short home workout can help release endorphins, improve mood, and reduce anxiety.

Practice Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques

Techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or yoga can help center your thoughts and reduce the physiological symptoms of stress. There are many free resources online that can guide you through these practices.

Prioritize Sleep

Quality sleep is vital for mental health. Aim for 7-9 hours per night and establish a calming pre-sleep routine to improve sleep quality. Avoid screens before bed, reduce caffeine intake in the afternoon, and create a comfortable sleep environment.

Seek Professional Help

If you find that stress or anxiety is interfering with your daily life, consider seeking help from a mental health professional. Many therapists offer virtual sessions, making it easier to access support from the safety and comfort of your home. Searching for “Virtual Therapy Ontario” on Google can help you find local services if you’re in that region. A professional can guide you about self-care during times of crisis in the world more than any article or video you see on the internet today.

Engage in Activities You Enjoy

Make time for activities that bring you joy and relaxation. Whether it’s reading, gardening, painting, or any other hobby, engaging in enjoyable activities can provide a necessary distraction and boost your mood.

Set Realistic Goals

Setting small, achievable goals can provide a sense of accomplishment and purpose. These can be as simple as completing a household task, exercising for 20 minutes, or finishing a book.

Practice Gratitude

Focusing on the positive aspects of your life can shift your perspective and reduce feelings of despair. Try keeping a gratitude journal and write down three things you’re grateful for each day.

Limit Substance Use

While it may be tempting to use alcohol or drugs as a coping mechanism, they can worsen anxiety and depression in the long run. If you’re struggling with substance use, seek professional help.

Be Kind to Yourself

Remember, it’s okay to not be okay. Be compassionate with yourself and recognize that feeling stressed, anxious, or upset is a normal reaction to crises. Allow yourself to feel these emotions without judgment.

A Lifeline in Ontario

The concept of therapy has evolved dramatically over the years, breaking down many of the stigmas previously associated with seeking mental health support. Enter virtual therapy, a modality that has not only made therapy more accessible but has also provided a lifeline to many during times of global crisis. Virtual therapy in Ontario offers several unique advantages. For starters, it’s accessible from the comfort of your own home, removing the barriers of transportation and mobility that can deter many from seeking help. It also provides a level of anonymity and privacy that can make opening up about personal issues less daunting.

Most importantly, virtual therapy provides flexibility and immediacy. During crises, when the world feels like it’s changing by the minute, being able to connect with a therapist or counselor at a moment’s notice can be incredibly comforting. It ensures that support is there when you need it most, whether it’s for managing anxiety, coping with loss, or navigating the sea of emotions that crises inevitably bring.

Finding the Right Virtual Therapy in Ontario

The rise of virtual therapy options means that finding the right fit for you is more important than ever. It’s essential to research and choose a therapist or counseling service that aligns with your needs and preferences. Look for licensed professionals with experience in areas relevant to your challenges, whether it’s anxiety, depression, stress management, or trauma.

Many virtual therapy platforms in Ontario also offer introductory sessions or consultations, allowing you to get a feel for the therapist’s style and approach before committing. This can be particularly helpful in ensuring that the therapy provided resonates with you and makes you feel supported.

Embracing the Journey of Self-Care and Healing

Embarking on a journey of self-care and healing, particularly during times of crisis, is a profoundly personal experience. It requires patience, compassion, and an openness to change and growth. Remember, it’s okay to not be okay, and seeking support is a sign of strength, not weakness.

Virtual therapy in Ontario, with its accessibility and flexibility, can be a valuable tool in your self-care toolkit. Whether you’re dealing with the immediate impact of a global crisis or the lingering effects of past events, it provides a space to heal, learn, and grow.

The Road Ahead

As we navigate the uncertainties of our world, the importance of self-care and mental health support cannot be overstated. Crises, unfortunately, are part of the human experience. Yet, it’s how we respond to these challenges that define our resilience and capacity for growth.

Virtual therapy in Ontario stands as a testament to our collective commitment to mental health and well-being. It offers a reminder that even in the darkest of times, support and healing are within reach. So, as we move forward, let’s carry with us the lessons of self-care, the value of seeking support, and the importance of taking care of our mental health.

In these challenging times, prioritizing your mental health is more crucial than ever. Cedarway Therapy offers a haven for those seeking guidance and support through virtual therapy in Ontario, ensuring you’re not alone in your journey toward well-being. Join us now, and let’s navigate the path of self-care together, turning moments of crisis into opportunities for growth and healing.

FAQs: Self-care During Times of Crisis in the World

What exactly is self-care during times of crisis?

Self-care during crises involves prioritizing your mental, emotional, and physical well-being through activities like mindfulness, setting boundaries with media consumption, and seeking support from loved ones or professionals to navigate challenges effectively.

How can I practice self-care when everything feels overwhelming?

Start with small, manageable steps such as taking short breaks to breathe deeply, engaging in activities that bring you joy, and reaching out for support from trusted individuals or mental health professionals to help you cope with the stress.

Is self-care during times of crisis in the world selfish when there are so many pressing issues?

No, self-care is essential for building resilience and maintaining the strength needed to address challenges effectively. By taking care of yourself, you’re better equipped to support others and contribute positively to the world around you.

What if I don’t have the time or resources for self-care during times of crisis in the world?

Self-care doesn’t have to be time-consuming or expensive. Even simple practices like taking a short walk, practicing gratitude, or setting boundaries with technology can make a significant difference in managing stress and promoting well-being.

How can I incorporate self-care into my daily routine during a crisis?

Start by identifying activities that nourish your mind, body, and spirit, then schedule them into your day like you would any other important task. Consistency is key, so aim to prioritize self-care even when life feels chaotic.

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What is the Connection Between Sleep and Mood?

It is well known that a good night’s sleep is important for physical health, but did you know that it is also crucial for mental wellbeing? Poor sleep can contribute to feelings of anxiety and depression, as well as problems with concentration and memory. In this blog post, we’ll explore the question, what is the connection between sleep and mood, and offer some tips on how to get a better night’s rest.

Defining Sleep and the Stages of Sleep

Sleep is one of the essential components in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, yet many people are not adequately taking care of their sleep. According to the National Sleep Foundation, sleep can be simply defined as a naturally recurring state of mind where consciousness is suspended and functions such as cognition, alertness and motor control all cease temporarily.

During sleep, the body alternates between two distinct forms: rapid eye movement (REM) sleep that is involved in dreaming, and non-REM sleep which is divided into three progressively deeper stages: N1, N2, and finally N3. Each contributes to rejuvenating energy levels, restoring focus, aiding in information memorization/ processing as well as strengthening the immune system. Not getting enough quality sleep can lead to long-term health consequences such as difficulty concentrating and cognitive performance decrease. It can also lead to more serious problems down the line such as Insomnia, Anxiety, and Depression.

What is the Connection Between Sleep and Mood?

Sleep and mood are deeply intertwined; sleep instability can cause mood disturbances and difficulty regulating emotions, while poor emotional health can lead to sleep problems. In fact, many people with a mental health disorder experience symptoms of insomnia, hypersomnia (excessive sleep), or other kinds of sleep-wake cycle disruption. On the other hand, regular healthy sleep can boost happiness and emotional resilience. Getting enough hours of good quality restorative sleep helps keep our bodies functioning well on all levels – physically, mentally, and emotionally. Therefore, it’s important to prioritize both positive mental and physical health habits in order to ensure good emotional wellbeing throughout the day.

How Can Sleep Deprivation Affect Mood?

Sleep deprivation can have drastic and far-reaching effects on a person’s mood. While the mechanisms behind this effect are unclear, researchers believe that a lack of sleep interrupts the body’s natural systems, which regulate hormones and neurotransmitters associated with emotion. This disruption can lead to feelings of irritability, sadness, frustration, or even anger which is usually more intense than usual. In addition to these effects on mood, sleep deprivation is also believed to be negatively linked to mental functions such as memory and information processing. Research has shown that quality sleep is essential for starting and ending each day feeling happy and content so individuals should ensure they get enough quality sleep each night in order to protect their mental well-being.

What are Some Tips to Get a Good Night’s Sleep?

Having difficulty falling asleep can be frustrating and can put a damper on even the most relaxed day. In order to help get a good night’s sleep, start by practicing good sleep hygiene. Experts recommend keeping your bedroom cool, dark, and as quiet as possible since this helps signal to the body that it is time to sleep. Avoid screens before bed – studies have shown that blue light from tablets, phones, and computers can disrupt the production of melatonin which is one of the hormones that helps you fall asleep. Additionally, try to limit caffeine intake in the afternoon – consuming too much at night will make it difficult for your body to wind down. Most importantly, create calming pre-bedtime habits such as warm baths or reading a relaxing book. Following these steps will help you relax and drift off quickly for a restful night’s sleep.

How Important is Sleep For Your Mental Health?

Sleep is incredibly important for our mental health and well-being. When we don’t get enough rest, our bodies tell us in the form of fatigue and brain fog. In today’s stressful world it can be hard to prioritize sleep, but prioritizing this activity can have a profound effect on our overall health levels. Research has shown that insomnia is linked with an increased likelihood of developing issues such as depression, stress, and anxiety. On the flip side, quality sleep has been proven to improve mood swings, reduce stress, and promote greater control over emotions. Taking steps to ensure that we are getting enough rest each night – including winding down an hour before bedtime – can pay off in dividends for our mental well-being.

ConclusionWhat is the Connection Between Sleep and Mood?

Overall, sleep is an incredibly important and integral part of our mental health, allowing us to gain insight into different parts of the day and process emotions. By better understanding its features and effects, we can prioritize and plan strategies to get adequate sleep and create a healthier lifestyle. The connection between sleep deprivation, mood disorder, and mental health is clear – with not enough shut-eye comes an increase in depressive symptoms and difficulty regulating emotions. Employing good sleeping habits like avoiding caffeine or screens before bedtime can be extremely beneficial; even animals recognize the importance of rest. We should strive for meaningful sleep in order to empower our wellness and fully realize our capability for happiness.

Ultimately, If you need professional help for Insomnia Toronto, don’t hesitate to schedule a consultation with our team at Cedarway Therapy today! We would be more than happy to assist you!

Good luck!

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What is ADHD and What Does Treatment Look Like?

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurobehavioral disorder characterized by problems with focus, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness. Symptoms of ADHD typically begin in childhood and can persist into adulthood. While there is no cure for ADHD, treatment options are available to help manage symptoms. Treatment may include medication, therapy, or a combination of both. In this blog post, we will explore what ADHD is, its potential causes, and treatment options available to help manage the condition.

What is ADHD?

ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that includes symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness. People with ADHD may have difficulty concentrating or completing tasks, be highly active, or act without thinking. These behaviors can impair their ability to complete everyday activities such as schoolwork and chores. The exact cause of ADHD is unknown but is believed to be related to genetics and environmental factors.

What are the Common Symptoms of ADHD?

The common symptoms of ADHD vary from person to person, but may include:

â€Ē Difficulty concentrating or staying focused on tasks

â€Ē Impulsivity and difficulty controlling emotions

â€Ē Hyperactivity or restlessness

â€Ē Poor organizational skills

â€Ē Disruptive behavior in school or social settings

â€Ē Difficulty following instructions

â€Ē Poor time management skills

Who is Qualified to Diagnose ADHD?

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is diagnosed by a qualified healthcare provider. This may include a doctor, psychologist Oakville, or psychiatrist. During the diagnosis process, they will review medical history, conduct tests and assessments, and look for signs of ADHD.

Who Does ADHD Impact?

ADHD can affect both children and adults, though it is most commonly diagnosed in childhood. The most common signs that you or your child may need an ADHD Diagnosis include the following:

  • Difficulty with focus and concentration,
  • Impulsivity or lack of self-control
  • Hyperactivity and restlessness
  • Difficulty following instructions
  • Low frustration tolerance or anger outbursts.

What Does ADHD Treatment Look Like?

The primary treatment for ADHD is a combination of therapy and medication. Regarding medications, stimulant medications such as Ritalin and Adderall are the most commonly prescribed drugs for treating ADHD in children and adolescents. Non-stimulant medications such as Strattera may also be prescribed. Medication cannot be prescribed by a psychologist.

In addition to medication, counseling and skills-based therapy can be helpful in managing the symptoms of ADHD. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a type of psychotherapy that can help people with ADHD learn strategies for managing their behaviour. Behavioural therapy may also be recommended to address issues such as hyperactivity and impulsivity. Parents of children with ADHD may also be encouraged to participate in family therapy or seek parenting consultation to help with understanding and managing the condition.

Overall, treatment for ADHD is most effective when it includes a combination of medication, counseling, and lifestyle modifications. It’s important to work closely with a healthcare provider to find an individualized plan that works best for you or your child.

What does a Typical ADHD Therapy Session Look Like?

A typical ADHD therapy session may include talking about symptoms, discussing strategies for managing them, and setting goals. Therapy sessions focus on helping people with ADHD build skills to cope with their difficulties in everyday life. Possible topics of discussion may include emotional regulation, organization, time management, communication, and relationships. The therapist will also provide support and education to help the person learn to manage their symptoms. Overtime, the therapist may also discuss and help implement lifestyle changes that can help with managing ADHD. These will be checked overtime to ensure consistent progress over the course of the treatment plan.

When is ADHD Medication Required?

People are encouraged to discuss the risks and benefits of medication for ADHD with their doctors. Sometimes, medication can help improve focus and reduce impulsivity, which may make it easier for people to manage their condition. 

If you or your child have been diagnosed with ADHD, it’s important to discuss the best treatment options with a qualified healthcare provider. Together, you can create an individualized plan that works best for your specific situation.

Why is ADHD Treatment Beneficial?

Treatment for ADHD is beneficial because it can help improve focus, reduce impulsivity and hyperactivity, and improve overall functioning. With proper treatment, people with ADHD can lead healthy, productive lives. It’s important to remember that every person is different and no one approach to treating ADHD works for everyone. Finding a treatment plan that works best for you or your child is essential.


In conclusion, ADHD is a common neurodevelopmental disorder that can cause difficulties in concentration and focus. It is most commonly diagnosed in childhood, but can affect people of all ages. Treatment for ADHD can include a combination of therapy, medication, and lifestyle changes. It’s important to work closely with a qualified doctor or therapist  to create an individualized plan that works best for you or your child.  With proper treatment and support, people with ADHD can lead successful lives.

If you think you or your child may have ADHD, talk to a healthcare provider about diagnosis and treatment options available. With the help of professionals and an individualized plan, managing ADHD is possible. If you still have questions about ADHD, check out our blog page today!

If you need professional help, don’t hesitate to schedule a consultation with our team at Cedarway Therapy today! We would be more than happy to assist you!

Good luck!

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What is Abandonment and How do I heal?

Abandonment is a term that is often used to describe the feeling of being rejected or by someone. However, abandonment can also refer to a physical act, such as when someone leaves you without any warning or explanation leaving you with a feeling of extreme loss. Regardless of the cause, abandonment can be a very difficult and painful experience. If you’re struggling with feelings of abandonment, know that you’re not alone and there are ways to heal. Keep reading to learn more about what is abandonment and how you can begin to heal from this hurtful experience.

What is Abandonment?

Abandonment can be understood in many ways, but can generally be defined as the voluntary forsaking or giving up of something. Emotional abandonment in particular  is when someone close to you chooses to emotionally distance themselves from you, or withdraws their emotional support. This can be due to various factors, including but not limited to:

– Falling out of love

– Change in values or lifestyles

Mental health issues

– A traumatic experience or event

Physical abandonment on the other hand , is when someone voluntarily leaves you without any warning or explanation. This, of course, can be a traumatic and confusing experience, especially if the abandonment was abrupt or unexpected.

How Does Abandonment Impact an Individual?

Abandonment can have a significant impact on an individual, causing feelings of depression and insecurity. Abandonment is likely to be accompanied by a sense of betrayal, as well as guilt and self-blame. That feeling of being discarded can have long-lasting effects, resulting in a fear of not being accepted or connected with others, even if those relationships are healthy or helpful. It may also lead to difficulties in developing meaningful connections in the future due to feelings of mistrust. Additionally, someone who has been abandoned might find it difficult to trust themselves, especially when making decisions about their own needs and wants. Seeking help from professionals such as in-person therapists or virtual therapists is often beneficial for anyone coping with abandonment issues as they provide valuable insight and support through the healing process.

How to Start Healing From the Pain of Abandonment

If you have suffered the pain of abandonment, it is important to begin your healing process and learn how to move on. With that being said, here are a few tips to consider:

Tip #1 – Recognize your Own Self-Worth & Learn Acceptance

First and foremost, it’s essential to recognize that the abandonment of another person does not reflect your own worth. Acceptance is key and this includes accepting that you have been let down by someone else and learning to forgive them (if you so choose). Doing so can help to release any negative energy or feelings associated with the experience. 

Tip #2 – Rebuild Your Support System

The pain of abandonment can often be mitigated by taking the time to rebuild your support system. This could mean reaching out to family and friends, joining a support group, or seeking professional help if needed. It’s also important to remember that you are not alone in this process, so don’t be afraid to rely on others for emotional support.

Tip #3 – Practice Positive Self-Care Habits

It’s essential to practice positive self-care habits such as eating healthy, exercising, and getting enough rest in order to foster self-love and resilience. Focusing on yourself will help you stay grounded and provide a sense of stability as you progress through the healing process.

Tip #4 – Make Peace With The Situation

Regardless of the situation it’s always important to make peace with the experience, even if that means letting go of any expectations or resentment. Doing so will help you move forward and resist any feelings of bitterness or despair.  If you are incapable of letting go by yourself, consider seeking professional help.

Tip #5 –  Turn Pain into Opportunity

Although it can be extremely difficult to come to terms with the pain of abandonment, it is possible to make the most of your situation. Try and focus on building new relationships, discovering who you are without them, or exploring opportunities that may have been missed out on during the time of abandonment.

Tip #6 – Express Your Feelings of Abandonment in a Healthy and Constructive Way

It can be easy to take the pain of abandonment out on yourself or those around you. It is important that you express your feelings in a healthy and constructive way. This could mean writing in a journal, meditating, creating art, or talking with someone who understands what you are going through.

Conclusion – What is Abandonment and How Do I Heal?

In conclusion,  abandonment is the act of being left behind or discarded by someone, usually a close family member or romantic partner. It often leads to feelings of betrayal, guilt, and self-blame. In order to start healing from the pain of abandonment it’s important to recognize your own worth, rebuild your support system, practice positive self-care habits, make peace with the situation, turn pain into opportunity, and express your feelings in a healthy and constructive way. With that being said, it is possible to move on from the hurt of abandonment and find hope for the future.

All in all, by understanding what abandonment is and taking steps to heal, you can begin to create a life where you feel whole and complete.  With patience and self-love, you can become empowered to take back your life and find joy in the present moment.

Now that you have read this article, it is time to put these tips into practice and start taking steps towards healing from the pain of abandonment. You deserve a life filled with joy and happiness, and you can have it if you commit to the process.  With time and effort, you will be able to move forward with confidence and create a life that is filled with love, connection, and peace. 

If you need professional help, don’t hesitate to schedule a consultation with our team at Cedarway Therapy today! We would be more than happy to assist you!

Good luck!

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10 Study Tips to Manage Your Stress & Your Mental Health

When you’re going through a tough time, it’s important to remember that you’re not alone. Millions of people around the world are also struggling at the same time with similar issues. However, this doesn’t mean that you can’t succeed academically. In fact, there are many things that you can do to make studying easier while dealing with mental health problems. In this blog post, we will cover 10 study tips that can help you get through school while managing your mental health. Hopefully, these tips will help make your academic journey a little bit easier!

When reading this blog, if you find the tips to be hard to implement despite trying, you may need to reach out for support from your doctor and or a mental health professional. It is important that you don’t blame yourself or become self critical if things are not working out. There may be underlying issues that need to be addressed first and once corrected, you will have more success in implementing tips. 

Tip #1: Create a Study Schedule

There is a time for everything. Creating a study schedule can be extremely helpful when you’re trying to balance school with your mental health. By setting aside specific times for studying you can make sure that you’re not overworking yourself. Having time for studying, self care, social connections and meaningul activities is key to a sound mental health wellbeing. 

Tip #2: Utilize App or Distraction Blockers

If you find yourself getting distracted easily, it may be helpful to utilize an app or distraction blocker. These tools can help to prevent you from accessing certain websites or apps that may cause you to lose focus. Additionally, they can also help to reduce distractions by blocking notifications from popping up on your screen.

Tip #3: Find a Preferred Study Space

If you are going through stress and or other mental health issues, your level of focus can oftentimes be impacted. As a result when it comes to studying its important to find a preferred study space that is most conducive to your efficiency. This means finding a space that is quiet, well lit, and comfortable. It also means having all the supplies you need in close proximity so that you can avoid any potential stressful trigger that could come from having to search for something.

Tip #4: Listen to white noise that Helps You Focus

White noise can be a great therapeutic tool to help you focus while studying if you are going through mental health problems. White noise that can block out any distractions and help to soothe your mind. Make sure to choose the type of noise that is calming and won’t serve as a further distraction. If you need complete silence to focus, that is perfectly understandable too!

Tip #5: Get Enough Sleep

Getting enough sleep is critical for both your physical and mental health. It’s especially important to make sure that you’re getting enough rest as sleep can help to improve your focus and concentration, as well as reduce stress levels. On average you want to aim to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night. In addition to that, try to get your sleep earlier on in the night as your body naturally heals and alleviates your levels of stress earlier on in the night. If you are having trouble sleeping despite trying talk to your doctor. 

Tip #6: Take Appropriate Study Breaks

Oftentimes, when people are studying they will try to push through their studies for long periods of time without taking any breaks. This can lead to mental and physical exhaustion, which can make it difficult to focus on the task at hand. It is important to take breaks throughout your study session in order to stay fresh and focused. Breaks will also give you time to clear your head and come back to the material with a fresh perspective and more motivation to get the work done.

Tip #7: Exercise Before Studying

Exercise is a great way to increase your energy and focus levels. Exercise releases endorphins, which have mood-boosting effects. A moderate amount of exercise can also help to improve your sleep quality, which is important for maintaining mental health. Taking a brisk walk or going for a light jog before you start studying can help you increase blood flow to your brain and get your mind in the right place to focus on your work.

Tip #8: Do the Hardest Tasks First

When you have a lot of material to cover, it can be tempting to start with the easy stuff and save the harder tasks for later. However, this can often lead to procrastination and leaving the most difficult tasks until the last minute. It is often more effective to start with the most challenging material first when you just wake up and have energy. This will help you get into a flow state and make better use of your time. Once you have tackled the hardest tasks, you will likely find that the rest of the work seems much easier in comparison.

Tip #9: Find a Study Method That Works Best For You

Everyone learns differently and what works for one person might not work for another. As a result, it is important to find a study method that suits your learning style. Some people prefer to study in short, frequent bursts while others like to study for longer periods of time with more breaks in between. Experiment with different methods and find what works best for you. You might also want to consider what type of learner you are. Among some of the main types include, visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learners. Based on this information you can tailor your study strategy to include things such as flashcards, mind maps, or hands on work to make it a more enjoyable study process.

Tip #10: Surround Yourself With Supportive People

Mental health problems can be isolating and it is important to surround yourself with people who understand what you are going through. Being around people who are supportive and positive can help to improve your mood and make it easier to manage your mental health condition. If you do not have any supportive people in your life, there are many online support groups that can provide you with the help and guidance you need.


There are many different  tips and methods that can help to make the process of studying easier. Experiment with different techniques and find what works best for you. If you are having trouble, reachout to someone at your school wellness or guidance centre, family doctor and or a mental health professional. 

All in all, if you or someone you know is struggling with mental health or overcoming their learning disabilities, please feel free to reach out for help. Contact us today to get a free consultation or checkout our Google My Business Profile for more information. We would love to help you out.

Thanks for reading and happy studying!



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Morning routine. Portrait of happy charming young mixed race fem

6 Things to Value That Can Improve Mental Health

Mental health is something that is often taken for granted. Many people believe that if they are not suffering from a mental illness, then they must be fine. The truth is, however, that good mental health is something that needs to be actively maintained. Just like you would exercise or eat healthy to maintain your physical health, you need to do things in your life that support your mental well-being. In this blog post, we will discuss six things that you should value in order to improve your mental health!

When reading this blog, if you find the tips to be hard to implement despite trying, you may need to reach out for support from your doctor and or a mental health professional. It is important that you dont’ blame yourself or become self critical if things are not working out. There may be underlying issues that need to be addressed first and once corrected, you will have more success in implementing tips. 

#1: Setting Realistic Goals

One of the most important things you can do for your mental health is to set realistic goals. When you set goals that are impossible to achieve, you are only setting yourself up for disappointment. This can lead to feelings of low self-worth and depression. On the other hand, when you set achievable goals, you are more likely to feel a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. Make sure that your goals are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). Additionally,  it is important to have both short-term and long-term goals. This will give you a sense of direction and something to work towards which can keep you feeling positive and motivated. Be sure to set goals that can be achieved bearing in mind your time and resources in life. The important factor to value during the goal journey is to find enjoyment in the process of reaching your goal as opposed to fixating on the final outcome. Overall however, setting goals is a great way to give you something positive to work towards which is great for improving your mental health.

#2: Taking Care of Your Physical Health

It is important to take care of your physical health not only for your body but also for your mind and emotional state. When you exercise, your body releases endorphins which have mood-boosting effects. This can help to improve feelings of depression and anxiety. In addition, eating a healthy diet provides your body with the nutrients it needs to function properly. This can help to improve energy levels and concentration. Additionally, getting enough sleep is crucial for both physical and mental health. Most adults need 7-8 hours of sleep per night. Getting enough sleep can help to improve mood, memory, and overall cognitive function.

#3: Learning to Cope With Emotions Without Substances

It is normal to feel sad, anxious, or stressed from time to time. However, it is important to learn how to cope with these emotions in a healthy way. Some people turn to substances like alcohol or drugs as a way to cope with their feelings. This might provide temporary relief but can often make things worse in the long run. Substance abuse in particular can lead to addictions which can then lead to  financial problems, relationship issues, and other health complications. Additionally, it can worsen symptoms of mental illness. As a result, instead of using substances to cope, try developing healthy coping mechanisms like exercise, journaling, spending time with friends or family, or therapy as a few alternatives.

#4: Doing Things that You Personally Value and are Passionate About

It is important to do things that you are passionate about and that align with your personal values. This can help you to feel a sense of purpose and satisfaction in life. When you are passionate about something, you are more likely to invest time and energy into it which can lead to a sense of accomplishment. Additionally, when you do things that align with your personal values, you are more likely to feel good about yourself. This is because you are living in a way that is consistent with what you believe in and are doing things that you value and are passionate about which can significantly improve mood, self-esteem, and overall mental health.

#5: Surrounding Yourself With Good Company

The people you surround yourself with can have a big impact on your mental health. If you spend time with people who are negative or who do not support your goals and values, you are more likely to feel down about yourself. On the other hand, if you surround yourself with positive people who make you feel good about yourself, you are more likely to feel happy and supported. Additionally, it is important to have people in your life who you can rely on and who will support you through difficult times. These people can provide a listening ear, helpful advice, or just a shoulder to cry on which can be invaluable when dealing with mental health issues.

#6: Regularly Checking in on Your Mental Health

Just as you would schedule regular check-ups with your doctor or therapist, it is also important to regularly check in with yourself to see how you are feeling mentally and emotionally. This can help you to identify any early warning signs of mental illness and get treatment as soon as possible. Additionally, it can help you to catch any negative thought patterns or unhealthy coping mechanisms before they become too ingrained. Additionally, checking in with yourself on a regular basis can help you to monitor your progress and see how far you have come which can be very motivating.


In conclusion,  there are many things to value that can improve your mental health. These include setting realistic goals, taking care of your physical health, learning to cope with emotions without substances, doing things that you are passionate about, surrounding yourself with good company, and regularly checking in on your mental health. By making these things a priority, you can significantly improve your mental well-being.

If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health, please reach out for help. Contact us today to get a free consultation or checkout our Google My Business Profile for more information. We would love to help you out.

Thanks for reading and all the best!

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Dealing with Emotions After a Divorce

Divorce is a difficult experience for anyone to go through. Many people feel like they are unable to cope with their emotions and end up feeling isolated and alone. If you are experiencing low mood due a divorce it is important to seek help. In this blog post, we will cover how to overcome divorce depression and provide tips on how to start rebuilding your life. With that being said, let’s get started.

Emotions after a Divorce?

Feeling symptoms of depression can be  common reactions to the experience of ending a marriage. After the divorce is finalized one may oftentimes experience heavy feelings of sadness which can be caused by many factors such as grief, stress, anxiety, and uncertainty. These emotions and experiences can make it difficult to eat, sleep, or concentrate. It can also cause you to withdraw from your friends and family which can make you feel even more overwhelmed with a sense of guilt, sadness and isolation. When these feelings persist they inevitably can lead to depression.

What are the common feelings associate with a recent divorce?

Among the most notable signs include the following:

  • Withdrawing from friends and family
  • Loss of interest in activities that were once enjoyed
  • Increased desire to use external substances to cope with emotions (alcohol or drugs)
  • Sleeping too much or having difficulty sleeping
  • Changes in appetite leading to weight gain or loss
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Constantly dwelling on the past
  • Feeling hopeless, helpless, or worthless

How to cope with such heavy feelings:

Fortunately, there are many ways to cope and eventually overcome these feelings so you can heal and move towards your new life. Here are a few tips:

#1 – Give Yourself Time to Heal

Divorce is a process and for so many it may take time to heal. There is no linear process and time frame that is a once size fits all. Everyone takes a different route and time in this journey to heal and or move on. It is important to be patient with yourself and allow yourself the time you need to grieve. Do not try to force yourself to move on before you are ready, by pretending, or moving to the next person to quick. 

#2 – Prioritize Your Health:

One of the best things you can do for yourself is to focus on your health. This includes getting regular exercise, eating a balanced diet, and getting enough sleep. When you take care of your physical health, it will be easier to cope with the emotions you are experiencing. In regards to your emotional health, it is important to find a healthy outlet for your feelings. This could include journaling, talking to a therapist, or attending a support group.

#4 – Reach out to your support system:

If you have a support system of family and friends, lean on them during this difficult time. They can be a great source of comfort and will be there to listen to you when you need to talk. If you do not have a support system, there are many other resources available such as therapy, support groups, or online forums that can be a great outlet alternative.

#5 – Be Patient With Yourself:

One of the most important things to remember when trying to overcome divorce depression is to be patient with yourself. It is natural to want to heal quickly and move on with your life, but it is important to give yourself time  and adjust to your new life. Afterall this was not the plan when you decided to get married to this person. Allow yourself to feel sad, angry, and scared without judgment. These feelings are all a part of the healing process. Accepting how you feel will help you to move on in a healthy way.

#6 – Avoid Power Struggles With Your Former Spouse

One of the main sources of stress and anxiety during and after a divorce is the interactions that take place between you and your former spouse. After all, you are now dealing with someone who you used to be intimately connected to in a very different capacity. There are bound to be disagreements and conflicts, especially if there are children involved. As a result, it is important to try to avoid power struggles with your former spouse as much as possible. Not only will this help to reduce the amount of stress in your life, but it can also make co-parenting and post-divorce communication much easier. Here are a few things that you can do to avoid power struggles with your former spouse:

  • First, try to communicate in a respectful and civil manner. This can be difficult, especially if you are feeling overwhelmed with emotion, but it is important to try. Remember that you are now dealing with someone who is essentially a stranger, so it is important to treat them as such.
  • Second, avoid getting drawn into arguments about minor issues. If you can let go of the small stuff, it will help to reduce the overall conflict in your relationship.
  • Third, try to be flexible and willing to compromise. This is especially important if you have children together. In some cases, it may be necessary to put your own needs aside in order to do what is best for your kids.
  • Fourth, try to keep the lines of communication open. This means being willing to listen to what your former spouse has to say, even if you don’t agree with it. It is also important to be respectful of their boundaries and give them space when they need it.
  • Finally, remember that you are not in this alone. There are other people who care about you and want to help you through this difficult time. Whether it is a friend, family member, therapist, or support group, reaching out for help can make a world of difference. If you are struggling to avoid power struggles with your former spouse, it may be helpful to reach out for professional help. A therapist can assist you in learning how to communicate in a more effective way and can provide support during this difficult time.

#7 – Take Time to Explore Your Passions and Interests

Take some time to explore your passions and interests. When you’re in the midst of a divorce, it’s easy to lose sight of the things that make you happy. If there’s something you’ve always wanted to do but never had the time for, now is the perfect opportunity to pursue it. Maybe you’ve always wanted to learn how to play the guitar or take up painting. Or maybe you’ve been wanting to travel more and see the world. Whatever it is, taking the time to do things you’re passionate about can help lift your spirits and give you something to look forward to.

#8: Try to Maintain a Daily Routine that Motivates You

It’s also important to try and maintain a daily routine that motivates you. After a divorce, it can be easy to let your life become unstructured and chaotic. But having a set routine can help you feel more in control of your life and give you a sense of purpose. Try to stick to a regular sleep schedule, eat healthy meals, and get regular exercise. And if you can, find a way to fit in some fun activities that you enjoy. Doing things that make you happy will help you get through the tough times.

#9 – Learn to Accept Your Current Situation

Learning to accept your current situation will come with time. You had dreams and a life planned out with this person. It’s not easy to accept that the story you told yourself about your life with this person has changed and not has a different ending.  It’s natural to feel sad and disappointed. But it’s important to remember that this is just a phase in your life and it will eventually end. If you can’t seem to accept your new reality, try reaching out to a therapist or counselor for help. Learning to accept your new situation is an important step in moving on and putting the past behind you.

#10 Reach out for Professional Help

If you’re struggling to overcome the heavy and difficult feelings after your divorce it’s important to reach out for professional help. While the symptoms and experinces can be commmon it’s important to be aware of how they are impacting yoru life. If you find yourself not being able to move on, stuck in the feelings, not participating in the basics of your daily care and life then speak to a your doctor and or reach out to a professional. There are many qualified therapists and counselors who can help you deal with the emotions you’re feeling. If you need someone to talk to, don’t hesitate to seek out a professional. Getting the help you need is an important step in overcoming divorce depression. If you’re looking for psychologist Toronto, just give Cedarway Therapy a call today!


All in all, divorce can be a difficult and emotional time. If you’re struggling to cope with the aftermath of your divorce, it’s important to seek out help. Remember to take care of yourself, reach out to your support system, and be patient with yourself. Additionally, if you need extra help, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Cedarway Therapy and we would be happy to help. Click here to schedule a complimentary consultation with one of our expert therapists today.

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Female leaning against the wall looking down in a hallway with blurred background in Alcatraz Island

Am I Introverted or Depressed?

Do you often enjoy being alone? Do you find yourself withdrawing from people to spend time doing the things you like and recharging yourself without the presence of others? If so, you may be introverted. But what if your feelings of loneliness persist even when you are around others? What if you have lost interest in activities that once brought you happiness? These could be signs of depression. In this blog post, we will help you overcome the common question people ask of, “Am I Introverted or Depressed?” As well as discuss the differences between introversion and depression, and provide tips on how to determine which one applies to you. With that said, let’s get started.

What is Depression?

Depression is a mental health condition that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest in pleasurable activities you once enjoyed. It can impact your ability to work, study, eat, sleep, and enjoy things in life.  Overtime, depression can also lead to physical health problems such as headaches, stomach aches, and fatigue. It impacts your life in ways that are not positive; it affects your roles and relationships in life. 

What is Introversion?

Introversion is a personality trait characterized by a preference for solitary activities and social withdrawal from time to time in order to recharge yourself. Introverts may enjoy spending time alone, reading, or engaging in thoughtful conversations. Even though they may enjoy large crowds and or noisy environments,it’s not long lasting. They soon retreat to do things with only a few meaningful people or by themselves. It is a misconception that introverts are not capable of enjoying social activities, they may just need to recharge afterwards in solitude.

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Depression?

The signs and symptoms of depression can vary from person to person. However, there are some common symptoms that are associated with the disorder. These include:

  • Persistent feelings of sadness or emptiness
  • Loss of interest in activities that were once enjoyed
  • Withdrawal from social activities
  • Changes in appetite or weight
  • Sleeping too much or too little
  • Fatigue or decreased energy
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Feelings of worthlessness or guilt
  • Thoughts of death or suicide

If you are experiencing several of these symptoms, it is important to seek professional help. Depression is a serious condition that can be effectively treated with therapy, medication, or a combination of both.

How to Determine if You are Introverted or Depressed

There are some key differences between introversion and depression. While both can cause feelings of loneliness, isolation, and social withdrawal, depression is more than just a preference for solitude. Depression is a serious mental health condition that if left untreated can have a profound impact on your life. If you think you may be suffering from depression, it is important to seek professional help. A qualified mental health professional can assess your symptoms and provide you with the treatment you need.

On the other hand, if you find that your feelings of loneliness and social withdrawal are due to a preference for solitary activities, then you are likely introverted. This is not a bad thing! There are many successful and happy introverts in the world. If you think you may be introverted, here are some tips to help you thrive:

  • Find social activities that suit your needs. Introverts may enjoy small gatherings, one-on-one conversations, or quiet activities such as hiking or reading.
  • Schedule time for solitude. This can be done by making sure to schedule some time each day (or week) to be alone. This will help you recharge after socializing and prevent feelings of overwhelm.
  • Create meaningful connections. When you do interact with others, take the time to really  connect with them. This may mean having in-depth conversations, sharing interests, or simply being present.

In addition to the points above, there are also a few questions that you can ask yourself to better assess whether or not you are introverted or depressed. Here are some questions you can ask:

  • Do I enjoy spending time alone?
  • Do I feel energized after socializing or do I need to recharge in solitude?
  • Do I find large crowds or noisy environments overwhelming?
  • Do I prefer one-on-one conversations to large group interactions?
  • Am I able to participate in social activities if I need or want to?

Answering these questions can help you to better understand your needs and how to best take care of yourself. If you find that you are answering  mostly yes to the questions above, then it is likely that you are introverted. If you find that you are answering mostly no, or if your feelings of loneliness and social withdrawal are interfering with your life, then you are experiencing signs of depression.

Am I Introverted or Depressed – The Verdict

In conclusion, if you are struggling to determine whether you are introverted or depressed, consider reaching out to a mental health professional for help. They can provide you with an accurate diagnosis and the resources you need to thrive. The key point to remember is that depression is not simply a preference for solitude. Having said that, while introversion and depression are truly distinct, this doesn’t mean introverts can’t also be depressed. Considering that introverts are alone more often and find it harder to reach out to others may allow the symptoms of depression to go unnoticed compared to someone who is naturally more extroverted. Consequently, make sure to always self-reflect and see  how you’re truly feeling day to day. If something feels off, don’t be afraid to reach out to others.

If you need professional help, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Cedarway Therapy and we would be happy to assist you! Click here to schedule a complimentary consultation with one of our expert therapists today.

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Fill Your Cup: Simple ways to add meaning to your life

Simple Ways To Add Meaning To Your Life

As I look out my window this morning, the ground continues to soak from heavy rainfall. The dark grey sky with no silver linings hovers heavily over the earth. While I love the sound of rain and realize the benefits of it, when combined with sombre weather, I wait for it to pass. I usually search for silver linings hidden between clouds which tell me underneath the storm is light about to pierce through. And despite this dark, dreary morning, my heart feels full. I can’t help but wonder how? What is different about this morning, or the better question to ask is, what is different about me? Usually, this weather clouds my mood; just like many affected by the weather, I find myself guided by the outside light.

Simply put, I thrive in sunshine. Research does show the multiple benefits of the sun. However, I do like my mother’s explanation as well, “no matter where you live, home always calls you,” she continues, “because you are from the land of sandy beaches, golden sunsets and tender warmth, your body will always yearn for it, it’s like a calling.” Despite moving here at the tender age of 10 and living many years in England before that, I find there is wisdom to her saying.

But this morning, something is different. So, as I sit here, I wonder why this grey morning doesn’t make me feel like curling up in a blanket till the sun comes out. I wrote down what I did this week in hopes of finding an “aha moment.” In a nutshell: I worked, cooked, cleaned, picked and dropped my kids from school, missed my son a tonne who moved out to the university, prayed and immersed myself in spiritual learning. However, this is my usual give and take a few things. Then it dawned on me, the “aha moment” I was engaged in a meaningful project to many, including myself; I connected with a few friends to see how they were and despite plans not working out to meet, I felt seen, heard, and validated. To make it even simpler, I engaged with things and people that I value and can be of value to.

I don’t suffer from depression; however, like many, loneliness is a friend who visits from time to time. And I see very similar outcomes for the many amazing souls I work with who struggle with depression or just symptoms of it. Those that engage in value work connect with people, and more significant practices like spirituality find meaning in small things and have better outcomes. I usually hear that people get good feedback from family and friends, such as “get out more,” “go to the mall,” and “start volunteering.” Albeit, all good feedback, remember loneliness doesn’t simply go away because you surround yourself with people. It’s a deep-rooted and painful feeling of being alone because of not being seen, validated, accepted, valued, celebrated, or understood (Link to IG). Simply immersing ourselves in people won’t do the trick. You must dig a little deeper, figure out what and who you value, who and what values you, and take small steps towards a sense of purpose, value, meaning and connection. Where you also feel heard, valued, loved, needed, supported, celebrated and connected.

Remember: If you struggle with loneliness despite how hard you try and or suffer from a mental health issue, don’t hesitate to see your doctor for further guidance and or see a mental health professional for support. You may have to address underlying factors that can be corrected before tips and tricks start to make a difference in your life.

Elevate your life’s richness and purpose with Cedarway Therapy’s transformative services. Our expert guidance offers virtual therapy Ontario, Couples Counselling Oakville, and gives simple yet profound ways to fill your cup with meaning and fulfillment. Don’t settle for less – embark on a journey of self-discovery and enrichment with Cedarway Therapy today, and experience the true essence of a fulfilling life.

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