Category: Mental Health

The Guilt of Prioritizing Us First – Why It’s So Hard to Put Ourselves First

Let’s talk about guilt. That unwelcome visitor that shows up uninvited whenever we dare to prioritize ourselves. You know the feeling: that gnawing sense that taking a long bath while your partner tackles the dishes, or saying “no” to a friend’s request because you’re burnt out, makes you a selfish monster.

We’ve all been there. Society often paints self-care with a villainous brush, whispering that prioritizing our needs is somehow a betrayal of those around us. But here’s the truth bomb: feeling guilty for putting yourself first is a recipe for burnout and resentment.

So, why is this guilt trip so ingrained in our psyches? Let’s unpack the reasons why prioritizing “us” can feel like a sin:

1. The Glorification of the Selfless Martyr

Think back to childhood stories. How many times did the selfless hero, sacrificing everything for others, win the day? We’re conditioned to believe that true strength lies in self-denial. But here’s the plot twist: a person running on fumes can’t effectively help anyone.

2. The “Should” Monster

Society bombards us with “shoulds”: “You should help your neighbor,” “You should always put your family first,” and “You should never say no.” These external pressures create a constant internal conflict, making us feel like failures if we prioritize our own well-being.

3. The Fear of Disappointing Others

Saying no can feel like a social grenade toss. We worry about hurting feelings or being seen as unreliable. But here’s the secret: healthy relationships thrive on open communication. When we prioritize ourselves and set boundaries, it fosters trust and respect in the long run.

4. The “Me Time” Myth

The idea of “me time” often gets a bad rap, conjuring images of bubble baths and face masks (which, don’t get me wrong, are awesome!). But self-care is much broader. It’s about honoring your mental, physical, and emotional needs. It could be a quiet walk in nature, reading a book, or simply saying no to things that drain your energy.

5. The Comparison Trap

Social media doesn’t help. We’re bombarded with images of people seemingly having it all together – the perfect family, the thriving career, and an endless supply of “me time.” But remember, social media is a highlight reel, not reality. Comparing our behind-the-scenes struggles to someone else’s curated perfection is a recipe for guilt and self-doubt.

Mental Health Awareness Month

So, How Do We Break Free From the Guilt Cycle?

Here’s the good news: you can reframe your thinking and prioritize your well-being without feeling like a jerk. Here are some battle plans to combat the guilt monster:

1. Redefine Self-Care:

Self-care isn’t selfish; it’s essential. It’s the oxygen mask on the airplane – you have to put yours on first before you can help others. When you prioritize your well-being, you become a better partner, friend, parent, or employee.

Want to know more about “How to Self Care in Times of Crisis?” Just visit our blog page today to learn all about it!

2. Set Boundaries – With Kindness:

Learn to say no politely but firmly. Remember, boundaries are not walls; they’re healthy communication tools that let others know your limits. Explain your needs and offer alternative solutions if possible.

3. Practice Self-Compassion:

Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding you’d offer a friend. Recognize that prioritizing yourself is not a sign of weakness; it’s a sign of strength and self-respect.

If you’re looking for a trusted Anxiety Therapy Toronto professional, just give Cedarway Therapy a call today!

How to manage strong emotions during distress

4. Celebrate Small Wins:

Start small. Did you manage to squeeze in a 10-minute meditation this morning? Celebrate! Acknowledge your efforts to prioritize yourself, no matter how insignificant they seem.

5. Find Your Tribe:

Surround yourself with people who understand and support your need for self-care. Look for friends and family who prioritize their well-being, too.

Remember, prioritizing yourself isn’t about neglecting others; it’s about creating a sustainable and fulfilling life. It’s about showing up as the best version of yourself for yourself and the people you love. So, the next time the guilt trip tries to book a ticket, politely refuse service. You deserve to take care of yourself guilt-free. And hey, if that bubble bath and face mask are calling your name, go for it! You earned it. Struggling to silence the guilt trip when you prioritize self-care? Our therapists at Cedarway Therapy can help you rewrite the script on self-worth. Together, we’ll break free from the “shoulds” and build healthy boundaries, leaving you feeling empowered and ready to show up for yourself – and those you love – in a whole new way. Contact Cedarway Therapy today and take the first step towards guilt-free self-care.

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10 Summer Activities That Promote Mental Wellness

Summer is the perfect season to embrace the outdoors, soak up the sunshine, and indulge in activities that promote mental wellness. Whether you’re looking to unwind, stay active, or simply enjoy the beauty of nature, there are plenty of summer activities that can boost your mood and enhance your overall well-being. In this blog post, we’ll explore “10 Summer Activities That Promote Mental Wellness” and provide you with tips on how to make the most of your sunny days.

1. Hiking in Nature

There’s nothing quite like hitting the trails and immersing yourself in the beauty of nature. Hiking is a fantastic way to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of daily life and reconnect with the natural world. Studies have shown that spending time in nature can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression while improving mood and cognitive function.

Tips for Hiking:

  • Choose a trail that matches your fitness level.
  • Bring plenty of water and snacks.
  • Wear comfortable hiking shoes and protective gear.
  • Don’t forget your sunscreen and a hat.

2. Beach Day Relaxation

A day at the beach can do wonders for your mental health. The combination of sun, sand, and sea provides a natural therapy session. The rhythmic sound of waves, the feel of sand between your toes, and the warmth of the sun can help reduce stress and promote relaxation.

Tips for a Beach Day:

  • Bring a good book or your favorite music.
  • Practice mindfulness by focusing on the sensations around you.
  • Engage in beach activities like volleyball or swimming.
  • Stay hydrated and reapply sunscreen regularly.
How to Cope With Difficult Emotions

3. Gardening

Gardening is more than just a hobby; it’s a therapeutic activity that can enhance your mental wellness. Tending to plants and watching them grow can give you a sense of accomplishment and purpose. Plus, gardening can be a great way to get some light exercise and fresh air.

Tips for Gardening:

  • Start with easy-to-grow plants if you’re a beginner.
  • Create a schedule for watering and care.
  • Use gardening as a mindfulness practice by focusing on the sights, smells, and sounds.
  • Share your gardening experiences with friends or join a community garden.

4. Outdoor Yoga and Meditation

Practicing yoga and meditation outdoors can amplify their calming effects. The combination of physical movement, deep breathing, and nature’s tranquility can help you achieve a state of relaxation and mental clarity. Outdoor yoga sessions are often offered in parks during the summer, providing a perfect opportunity to connect with others.

Tips for Outdoor Yoga and Meditation:

  • Find a quiet, comfortable spot in a park or your backyard.
  • Use a yoga mat or towel for comfort.
  • Follow guided sessions through apps or join local outdoor classes.
  • Incorporate mindfulness techniques to enhance the experience.

5. Cycling

Cycling is a fun and invigorating way to boost your mood and stay fit during the summer. Whether you prefer a leisurely ride through the park or a more intense workout, cycling can help release endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good chemicals.

Tips for Cycling:

  • Choose a scenic route to make the ride more enjoyable.
  • Wear a helmet and follow safety guidelines.
  • Stay hydrated and take breaks when needed.
  • Consider joining a cycling group to make new friends.
Why Mental Health Matters

6. Picnics with Loved Ones

Spending time with family and friends is essential for mental wellness. Picnics offer a great way to enjoy good food, beautiful scenery, and meaningful conversations. Social interactions can improve your mood, reduce feelings of loneliness, and strengthen relationships.

Tips for a Perfect Picnic:

  • Choose a picturesque location like a park or beach.
  • Pack healthy and delicious snacks.
  • Bring games or activities to enjoy together.
  • Use the time to disconnect from digital devices and focus on the moment.

7. Water Sports and Activities

Engaging in water sports like kayaking, paddleboarding, or swimming can be both exhilarating and therapeutic. These activities provide a full-body workout and the soothing effects of water can help alleviate stress and anxiety.

If you need Anxiety Therapy Toronto, just give Cedarway Therapy a call now!

Tips for Water Sports:

  • Choose a water activity that suits your skill level.
  • Ensure you have the necessary safety equipment.
  • Go with a buddy for added fun and safety.
  • Embrace the experience and let the water work its magic.

8. Camping and Stargazing

Camping offers a chance to disconnect from technology and reconnect with nature. Spending a night under the stars can be a peaceful and reflective experience, helping you to unwind and appreciate the simple pleasures in life.

Tips for Camping:

  • Choose a campsite that offers scenic views and tranquility.
  • Pack essential camping gear, including a tent, sleeping bag, and cooking supplies.
  • Plan activities like hiking, fishing, or storytelling around the campfire.
  • Take time to stargaze and enjoy the night sky.

9. Art and Craft Outdoors

Unleash your creativity by engaging in art and craft activities outside. Painting, drawing, or even crafting in a natural setting can be incredibly calming and inspiring. The fresh air and natural light can enhance your creative process and help you express your emotions.

Tips for Outdoor Art:

  • Bring portable art supplies like sketchbooks, watercolors, or crafting kits.
  • Find a comfortable spot with a good view for inspiration.
  • Don’t worry about perfection; focus on the joy of creating.
  • Share your creations with friends or on social media to inspire others.

10. Reading and Journaling in Nature

Reading a good book or journaling your thoughts in a peaceful outdoor setting can be a deeply enriching experience. These activities allow you to escape into different worlds or reflect on your own thoughts and experiences, promoting mental clarity and relaxation.

Tips for Reading and Journaling:

  • Choose a comfortable spot, like a park bench or a hammock.
  • Bring a variety of books or a journal and pen.
  • Set aside uninterrupted time for reading or writing.
  • Reflect on your readings or journal entries to deepen your experience.
How Do I Know If I Need Therapy for My Anxiety?

Are you curious about “How to Self Care in Times of Crisis?” Just visit our blog page to know all about it now!

Embracing Summer for Mental Wellness

Summer offers countless opportunities to enhance your mental wellness through outdoor activities and social interactions. By embracing the season and engaging in activities that bring you joy and relaxation, you can improve your mood, reduce stress, and foster a sense of well-being. So, grab your sunscreen, get outside, and make the most of the sunny days ahead!

Final Thoughts

Remember, the key to promoting mental wellness is to find activities that you enjoy and that fit your lifestyle. Whether it’s a hike in the mountains, a day at the beach, or a quiet afternoon gardening, the important thing is to take time for yourself and engage in activities that make you feel good. Happy summer, and here’s to a season of mental wellness and joy! Ready to boost your mental wellness this summer? Explore ten amazing activities that can transform your well-being and make the most of the sunny days. Cedarway Therapy is here to support you in finding balance and joy through these engaging experiences. Connect with us today if you need a Trauma Counsellor and to start your journey towards a healthier mind. Don’t wait—embrace the benefits of summer activities with Cedarway Therapy!

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Why Mental Health Matters?

In today’s fast-paced world, where the buzz of technology and the demands of everyday life can sometimes feel overwhelming, mental health has become a crucial topic of discussion. It’s no longer a hush-hush subject but rather a vital aspect of overall well-being. So, “Why Mental Health Matters?”

Understanding Mental Health

Let’s talk about mental health. No, this isn’t going to be a downer post where we dissect every mental illness under the sun. Instead, let’s chat about why mental health is just as crucial as physical health and how taking care of your mind can unlock a happier, more fulfilling you.

Think of your mind as the command center for your entire being. It directs your thoughts, emotions, and actions. When your mental health is in tip-top shape, you feel good, you think clearly, and you can handle life’s curveballs with grace (or at least a good dodge!). But when mental health struggles creep in, it can feel like your inner compass is malfunctioning, leaving you lost and overwhelmed.

Why Mental Health Matters

Here’s the thing: mental health isn’t just about feeling happy all the time. It’s about having the tools to navigate life’s ups and downs. It’s about being resilient in the face of stress, being able to connect with others in healthy ways, and making choices that contribute to your overall well-being.

So, why exactly does mental health matter so much? Here are a few reasons why prioritizing your mental well-being is the ultimate act of self-care:

  • It Impacts Your Physical Health: Mind and body are intricately connected. Chronic stress, anxiety, and depression can wreak havoc on your physical health, increasing your risk for everything from heart disease to headaches. Taking care of your mental health can actually improve your physical health – win-win!
  • It Affects Your Relationships: When you’re struggling mentally, it can be tough to show up for the people you love. You might find yourself withdrawing from friends and family, or you might be short-tempered and irritable. Prioritizing your mental health allows you to build and maintain strong, healthy relationships.
  • It Influences Your Work and School Performance: Feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or foggy-brained can make it difficult to focus at work or school. Taking care of your mental health can boost your productivity, creativity, and overall performance.
  • It Enhances Your Quality of Life: When your mental health is good, you’re better equipped to handle life’s challenges and savor the good times. You can experience a greater sense of joy, purpose, and fulfillment in all areas of your life.

If you’re interested in reading more about “Practical Tips on Nurturing Healthy Relationships,” just visit our blog page today to learn all about it!

Okay, I’m Convinced. But How Do I Take Care of My Mental Health?

Glad you asked! Here are some practical tips to get you started:

  • Challenge Negative Thoughts: Our brains are wired for negativity bias, meaning we tend to dwell on the bad stuff. When negative thoughts creep in, challenge them with more realistic and positive self-talk.
  • Practice Mindfulness: Mindfulness is the art of focusing your attention on the present moment without judgment. Meditation, yoga, and deep breathing exercises are all fantastic ways to cultivate mindfulness.
  • Get Enough Sleep: When you’re sleep-deprived, your mental health takes a hit. Aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night.
  • Eat a Balanced Diet: What you eat affects your mood and energy levels. Focus on whole, unprocessed foods to nourish your mind and body.
  • Move Your Body: Exercise is a powerful mood booster. Find an activity you enjoy, whether it’s hitting the gym, dancing in your living room, or taking a brisk walk in nature.
  • Connect with Others: Strong social connections are essential for good mental health. Make time for loved ones, join a club or group, or volunteer in your community.
  • Seek Professional Help: There’s no shame in seeking professional help for mental health concerns. Therapists can provide support, guidance, and tools to manage stress, anxiety, depression, and other mental health challenges.

If you’re searching for professionals to help you, just give Cedarway Therapy a call. Our Psychologist Mississauga experts are always ready to give a helping hand. Contact us today!

Mental Health Myths Debunked!

Let’s address some common myths that might be holding you back from prioritizing your mental health:

  • Myth #1: Mental health problems are a sign of weakness. Not true! Everyone experiences mental health challenges at some point in their lives. Seeking help is a sign of strength and self-awareness.
  • Myth #2: Therapy is only for people with severe mental illness. Therapy can be beneficial for everyone, regardless of the severity of your mental health struggles.
  • Myth #3: Talking about mental health makes it worse. Openly discussing mental health can be incredibly liberating and can help reduce stigma.

Remember, you are not alone. Millions of people around the world struggle with mental health challenges. By prioritizing your mental well-being, you’re not just doing yourself a favor; you’re contributing to a more open and supportive conversation about mental health for everyone.


Mental health matters because it’s the foundation of our overall well-being. It impacts every aspect of our lives, from how we feel and think to how we interact with others and navigate challenges. By prioritizing mental health, breaking stigma, nurturing wellness, and advocating for awareness, we can create a world where everyone can thrive emotionally, psychologically, and socially. So, let’s continue the conversation, support each other, and make mental health a priority in our lives and communities. Do you feel like your thoughts are running the show? Psychologist Mississauga at Cedarway Therapy can equip you with tools to manage stress, improve mood, and build healthy relationships. Don’t wait for life to throw you a curveball – invest in your mental well-being today. Cedarway Therapy offers flexible appointment options and personalized treatment plans to get you back on track to a happier, more fulfilling you. Visit their website or call now to take charge of your mental health.

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How Do I Know If I Need Therapy for My Anxiety?

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, the thin line between normal stress and something more insidious often blurs. We’ve all experienced moments of unease, the fluttering butterflies in our stomachs before a big presentation, or the rapid heartbeat during a stressful deadline. But when do these familiar sensations evolve into something more, a relentless companion casting shadows over our everyday existence? The question that looms large is, “How Do I Know If I Need Therapy for My Anxiety?”

Anxiety is a silent companion, sometimes lurking in the shadows, making its presence known through subtle whispers of unease. According to recent statistics from the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), anxiety disorders affect roughly 31% of adults in the United States alone. Yet, the journey to recognizing the need for therapy is often filled with uncertainty.

So, how do we decipher the signs, and when do we know it’s time to seek professional help? Let’s do a self-discovery journey, untangling the knots that anxiety weaves into the fabric of our lives. Beyond the conventional wisdom, beyond the obvious signs, lies a path where we explore the question that many of us may grapple with in silence: “How Do I Know If I Need Therapy for My Anxiety?”

Beyond Butterflies: Unveiling the Uncommon Signs

While many are familiar with the classic symptoms of anxiety—racing heart, sweaty palms, and a racing mind—there are subtler indicators that often go unnoticed. Do you find yourself inexplicably fatigued despite a good night’s sleep? Or perhaps your appetite has taken a nosedive, leaving you with a constant pit in your stomach? These less-discussed symptoms can be equally telling.

Navigating the realm of mental health disorders requires a keen eye for the subtleties, especially when deciphering the uncommon signs of anxiety. Beyond the palpable indicators lies a nuanced language the body speaks—an unspoken dialogue that often manifests as unexpected physical symptoms. These signs, such as digestive issues, headaches, and muscle tension, could be silent cries for help, indicating anxiety levels that extend beyond the surface. A psychotherapist, well-versed in unraveling the intricacies of mental health conditions, becomes an essential guide in translating these subtle signals and restoring a balance that directly impacts one’s quality of life.

The Sneaky Art of Procrastination: Unmasking Coping Mechanisms

Procrastination might be a term thrown around lightly, but it can also be a subtle cry for help. When daily tasks become mountains, and simple decisions transform into Herculean challenges, it might be more than just a lack of motivation.

A study published in the Journal of Anxiety Disorders indicates that individuals with anxiety disorders often resort to avoidance behaviors, such as procrastination, as a way of coping with their overwhelming feelings. Recognizing these patterns could be the first step towards realizing that anxiety might be weaving its threads into the fabric of your daily life.

Cedarway Therapy: Guiding You Through the Storm

In the labyrinth of anxiety, professional guidance can be the beacon that lights the way forward. Cedarway Therapy, a haven for those navigating the storms of mental health, offers a holistic approach to well-being. Understanding that anxiety is not a one-size-fits-all experience, their seasoned therapists tailor their approach to each individual. What sets Cedarway Therapy apart is its commitment to fostering a safe and judgment-free space. It’s not just about tackling the symptoms; it’s about understanding the roots and empowering individuals to navigate their mental landscapes.

Breaking the Silence: The Power of Open Conversations

Recognizing the need for therapy can be a daunting realization, but it’s also an empowering one. It’s an acknowledgment that mental health is as crucial as physical health, and seeking help is not a sign of weakness but strength. Learn the “6 Things to Value That Can Improve Mental Health” and do not take it for granted!

The power of breaking the silence surrounding mental health conditions cannot be overstated. Engaging in open conversations about anxiety is a transformative step toward understanding and healing. It’s a recognition that mental health is a crucial component of overall well-being, and acknowledging the need for support is an act of strength. Psychotherapist Mississauga provides a safe space for individuals to articulate their struggles openly, fostering an environment where the unspoken can be shared without judgment. By encouraging these dialogues, mental health professionals empower individuals to take charge of their anxiety, fostering improvements that resonate deeply in their overall quality of life.


So, how do you know if you need therapy for your anxiety? The answer might be found in the nuances, the unspoken struggles, and the gentle whispers of your mind. It’s a journey of self-discovery, and Cedarway Therapy is here to walk beside you. Remember, taking that first step toward therapy is not just a decision; it’s a commitment to your well-being. Are you ready to embark on the path of healing?

Ready to transform the narrative of your anxiety? Cedarway Therapy beckons as your ally in this journey of self-discovery and resilience. Elevate your mental well-being with our seasoned psychotherapists in Mississauga, redefining your relationship with anxiety and reclaiming a life filled with vitality, purpose, and unwavering confidence. Your path to peace begins with a single step—schedule your appointment today, and let Cedarway Therapy guide you toward a brighter, more empowered tomorrow.

FAQs: How Do I Know If I Need Therapy for My Anxiety?

How can I differentiate between regular stress and a need for therapy for my anxiety?

If your stress transcends the normal bounds, infiltrating various aspects of your life and manifesting in physical symptoms like persistent fatigue or disrupted sleep, it may be time to consider therapy to address underlying anxiety.

Are therapy services only for severe anxiety, or can they help with mild symptoms too?

Therapy is beneficial across the spectrum of anxiety levels, from mild to severe. Seeking professional support early can equip you with tools to manage and mitigate anxiety, enhancing your overall well-being.

How do I know if a psychotherapist in Mississauga is the right fit for me?

Consider factors such as their expertise, approach, and your comfort level during initial consultations. A good fit fosters trust and rapport, creating a conducive environment for effective therapy.

Is it common to experience resistance or reluctance before starting therapy for anxiety?

Yes, it’s entirely normal to feel hesitant about therapy. Acknowledge these feelings, but also recognize the potential for positive change therapy can bring, helping you navigate and overcome such resistance.

Can therapy improve my quality of life beyond just managing anxiety symptoms?

Absolutely. Therapy not only addresses anxiety symptoms but also enhances your overall quality of life by providing coping mechanisms, fostering self-awareness, and promoting personal growth, allowing you to lead a more fulfilling and balanced life.

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When Anxiety Becomes a Problem

Anxiety is a common human emotion that serves as a natural response to stress or perceived threats. In small doses, it can be motivating and even life-saving, triggering the “fight or flight” response that helps us respond to danger. However, when anxiety becomes a problem, uncontrollable, or interferes with daily life, it can be troublesome. In this blog post, we will explore the fine line between normal anxiety and problematic anxiety, the different types of anxiety disorders, their causes, and the impact they can have on a person’s life. We will also discuss the importance of seeking help and offer practical strategies for managing anxiety.

Understanding Anxiety

At its core, anxiety is the body’s response to stress. It’s a perfectly natural reaction that has evolved to keep us safe. When faced with a threat, whether real or perceived, our bodies release adrenaline, preparing us to either confront the danger or flee from it. This “fight or flight” response can be quite beneficial in certain situations, such as when crossing a busy street or facing a job interview.

When Anxiety is Normal

Normal anxiety is a part of life, and it’s crucial to recognize that experiencing anxiety on occasion is entirely normal. In fact, it can be a sign that you care about the outcome of a situation. Everyday scenarios like public speaking, taking exams, or going on a first date can trigger anxiety, but these feelings typically subside once the situation passes. This kind of anxiety is manageable and even healthy.

Recognizing Problematic Anxiety

Problematic anxiety, on the other hand, is characterized by its intensity, duration, and impact on daily life. Here are some signs that anxiety may be becoming a problem:

  • Excessive Worry: Constant worries, irrational and uncontrollable worrying about various aspects of life.
  • Physical Symptoms: Frequent headaches, muscle tension, stomachaches, and fatigue.
  • Avoidance Behavior: Avoiding situations or places due to overwhelming anxiety.
  • Social Isolation: Withdrawing from social activities and relationships.
  • Sleep Disturbances: Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep due to racing thoughts and anxiety.

Types of Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety disorders are a group of mental health conditions characterized by excessive anxiety and related behavioral disturbances. Some of the most common anxiety disorders include:

  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD): Individuals with GAD experience excessive worry and anxiety about everyday life events and situations.
  • Social Anxiety Disorder: This type of anxiety disorder involves an intense fear of social situations and a fear of being judged or humiliated.
  • Panic Disorder: Panic disorder is marked by sudden and recurring panic attacks, which can feel like a heart attack or a loss of control.

Each of these disorders has its unique features and symptoms, but they all share a common trait: they go beyond the normal anxiety we experience in our lives.

Causes of Problematic Anxiety

Understanding what causes problematic anxiety is complex, as it typically results from a combination of factors. These can include:

  • Genetics: Family history may play a role in predisposing individuals to anxiety disorders.
  • Brain Chemistry: Imbalances in neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine can contribute to anxiety.
  • Environmental Factors: Stressful life events, trauma, or a chaotic upbringing can increase the risk of developing anxiety disorders.

It’s important to note that while these factors can contribute to anxiety, they don’t guarantee that someone will develop an anxiety disorder.

Impact on Daily Life

Problematic anxiety can have a profound impact on a person’s life. Relationships can suffer as individuals become more isolated, work performance can decline, and overall well-being can deteriorate. Let’s delve deeper into the ways anxiety can affect different aspects of life:

  • Relationships: Anxiety can strain relationships, causing misunderstandings and conflicts.
  • Work and School: Concentration and productivity may suffer due to anxiety, potentially leading to job loss or academic challenges.
  • Physical Health: Chronic anxiety can lead to various health issues, including chest pain heart problems, and digestive disorders.
  • Mental Health: Anxiety often co-occurs with other mental health conditions, such as depression.

Seeking Help

If you or someone you know is experiencing problematic anxiety, seeking help is crucial. It’s essential to recognize that you don’t have to face it alone, and there are effective treatments available. Here are some steps to consider:

  • Talk to a Professional: Reach out to a mental health therapist or counselor who specializes in anxiety disorders.
  • Medication: In some cases, medication prescribed by a psychiatrist can be beneficial in managing anxiety symptoms.
  • Support Groups: Joining a support group can provide a sense of community and understanding.

Remember that seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness. It’s the first step towards regaining control of your life.

Self-Help Strategies

While professional help is often necessary, there are also self-help strategies that can complement treatment and help manage anxiety. These strategies include:

  • Relaxation Techniques: Practice deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, or meditation.
  • Mindfulness and Yoga: These practices can help you stay present and reduce anxious thoughts.
  • Healthy Lifestyle: Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep are essential for managing anxiety.
  • Limiting Stimulants: Reduce or eliminate caffeine and alcohol, as they can exacerbate anxiety.
  • Journaling: Writing down your thoughts and feelings can provide clarity and reduce anxiety.

It’s important to remember that self-help strategies may not be sufficient on their own for severe anxiety disorders but can be valuable tools when used in conjunction with professional treatment.

Breaking the Stigma

One of the challenges people with anxiety disorders face is the stigma associated with mental health concerns. This stigma can deter individuals from seeking help or openly discussing their struggles. To combat this, we need to encourage open conversations about mental health and anxiety.

Here are some ways to help break the stigma:

  • Educate Yourself: Learn about anxiety disorders and share accurate information with others.
  • Be Supportive: Offer a listening ear and support to those who are experiencing anxiety.
  • Share Personal Stories: When appropriate, share your experiences with anxiety to let others know they are not alone.
  • Advocate for Mental Health: Support policies and initiatives that promote mental health awareness and access to treatment.


In conclusion, anxiety is a normal part of the human experience, but when it becomes excessive and disruptive, it can have a significant impact on one’s life. Recognizing the signs of problematic anxiety, understanding the different types of anxiety disorders, and seeking help are essential steps toward managing and overcoming this challenge. By breaking the stigma surrounding mental health and offering support and understanding, we can create a more compassionate and inclusive society for everyone, including those dealing with anxiety disorders.

Remember that you don’t have to face anxiety alone. Seek help, lean on your support network, and practice self-care. With the right resources and strategies, you can regain control and lead a fulfilling life, even in the face of anxiety.

Overcome anxiety with Cedarway Therapy. Your journey to conquering anxiety starts here. Our compassionate therapists at Cedarway Therapy are committed to helping you regain control of your life. Join us in rewriting your story, leaving anxiety behind, and embracing a life filled with confidence and peace. Call us now!

FAQ: When Anxiety Becomes A Problem

What are common signs that anxiety has become a problem?

When anxiety becomes a problem, you may experience persistent worry, physical symptoms like tension or sleep disturbances, and an inability to carry out daily activities due to overwhelming fear or distress.

How do I differentiate between regular anxiety and an anxiety disorder?

While occasional anxiety is a normal part of life, when it becomes an anxiety disorder, it persists, intensifies, and starts affecting your ability to function. If anxiety is interfering with your daily life, it’s time to seek professional help.

Can problematic anxiety be treated successfully?

Yes, problematic anxiety is treatable. Therapies such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and medications can effectively manage anxiety disorders and help you regain control over your life.

Should I reach out to a therapist if I suspect my anxiety is a problem?

Absolutely. Seeking help from a mental health professional is a crucial step. They can provide a proper diagnosis, develop a tailored treatment plan, and offer valuable support in managing your anxiety.

What can I do on my own to manage anxiety before seeking professional help?

While self-help strategies can be beneficial, such as deep breathing exercises, mindfulness, and lifestyle changes like regular exercise and a balanced diet, they are most effective when used in conjunction with professional treatment. Don’t hesitate to reach out to a therapist to explore your options for comprehensive anxiety management.

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How to Actually Rest

In our fast-paced and demanding world, the art of rest often gets overlooked. Many individuals struggle to find true relaxation and rejuvenation amidst their busy schedules and constant connectivity. However, learning how to actually rest is vital for our overall well-being and productivity.

In this article, we will explore practical strategies to help you discover how to actually rest, allowing you to recharge both physically and mentally.

Understanding Rest

Rest goes beyond mere inactivity. It encompasses a holistic approach to recharge your mind, body, and soul. Understanding the importance of rest is the first step toward incorporating it into your daily life.

Importance of Rest

Rest is not a luxury but a necessity for maintaining optimal health and performance. It allows your body to repair and regenerate, promotes mental clarity, and reduces stress levels. By prioritizing rest, you can enhance your overall well-being and achieve a better work-life balance.

Types of Rest

Rest can be categorized into different types, each serving a specific purpose. Physical rest involves allowing your body to recover through activities such as sleep, relaxation, and taking breaks. Mental rest, on the other hand, involves giving your mind a break from constant stimulation and cognitive tasks. Emotional rest focuses on finding inner peace and managing stress. Understanding these different forms of rest can help you create a comprehensive rest routine.

Creating a Restful Environment

To truly rest, it is important to create an environment that supports relaxation and rejuvenation. Consider the following steps to design a restful space:

Designing Your Space

Design your rest space in a way that promotes tranquility and comfort. Choose calming colors, incorporate soft lighting, and surround yourself with items that bring you joy and relaxation.

Eliminating Distractions

Remove distractions from your rest environment. Silence your phone, turn off notifications, and create boundaries to ensure uninterrupted moments of rest.

Establishing Boundaries

Set clear boundaries with your work, family, and friends to protect your rest time. Communicate your needs and establish designated periods for rest without guilt or interruptions.

Practicing Mindful Rest

Mindful rest involves being present at the moment and intentionally focusing on relaxation. Incorporate the following techniques into your rest routine:

Mindfulness Techniques

Practice mindfulness by engaging your senses. Observe the sounds, smells, and textures around you. Engaging with your immediate environment helps you become fully present and relish the moment.

Breathing Exercises

Deep breathing exercises can promote relaxation and reduce stress. Take slow, deep breaths, and focus on your breath as it enters and leaves your body. This simple technique can calm your mind and induce a state of tranquility.


Make meditation a part of your rest routine. Find a quiet space, sit comfortably, and focus on your breath or a specific mantra. Meditation helps clear your mind, reduces anxiety, and enhances overall well-being.

Incorporating Physical Rest

Physical rest is essential for rejuvenating your body and promoting overall health. Consider the following practices to incorporate physical rest into your routine:

Quality Sleep

Prioritize quality sleep by establishing a consistent bedtime routine and creating a sleep-friendly environment. Ensure your bedroom is cool, dark, and free from distractions. Aim for seven to eight hours of uninterrupted sleep each night.


When feeling fatigued, a short power nap can provide a quick energy boost. Keep your nap duration to around 20 minutes to avoid interfering with your regular sleep schedule.

Relaxation Techniques

Engage in relaxation techniques such as gentle stretching, progressive muscle relaxation, or taking a warm bath. These activities help release tension, improve blood circulation, and promote physical relaxation.

Finding Rest in Hobbies

Hobbies and recreational activities can be a great source of rest and rejuvenation. Consider the following ways to find rest in your favorite hobbies:

Pursuing Personal Interests

Engage in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment. Whether it’s painting, playing a musical instrument, or gardening, make time for activities that allow you to disconnect from daily stressors and focus on personal interests.

Engaging in Creative Outlets

Express your creativity through writing, crafting, or photography. Creative outlets provide a sense of accomplishment and help channel your energy into something positive.

Exploring Nature

Spending time in nature can have a profound impact on your well-being. Take walks in the park, go hiking, or simply sit in a garden. Nature provides a soothing and rejuvenating environment to rest and recharge.

Balancing Rest and Productivity

Finding the right balance between rest and productivity is key to leading a well-rounded and fulfilling life. Consider the following strategies:

Time Management

Efficiently manage your time by prioritizing tasks and avoiding procrastination. Establish a schedule that allows for dedicated rest periods, ensuring you have time to recharge and maintain productivity.

Setting Priorities

Identify your top priorities and allocate your time and energy accordingly. Learn to say no to non-essential commitments to protect your rest time.

Avoiding Burnout

Recognize the signs of burnout and take proactive measures to prevent it. Listen to your body and mind, and make self-care and rest a non-negotiable part of your routine.


Rest is not a luxury; it is a fundamental aspect of a healthy and fulfilling life. By understanding the different forms of rest and incorporating them into your routine, you can achieve a better work-life balance, reduce stress, and enhance overall well-being. Prioritize rest, create a restful environment, practice mindfulness, incorporate physical rest, find rest in hobbies, and strike a balance between rest and productivity. Embrace the art of rest and enjoy the numerous benefits it brings to your life.

If you want to know more about how to actually rest, give Cedarway Therapy a call today! We provide one of the best therapy services, like EMDR therapy Toronto, couples counselling, and many more for people who need help in finding the right balance between rest and productivity. Let’s work together to create a happier and healthier life for you!

Call us today to find out more about how we can help you achieve better mental and physical health! We look forward to hearing from you!

Frequently Asked Questions: How to actually rest

1. Why is rest important?

Rest is important as it allows the body to repair, rejuvenate, and recover. It promotes physical and mental well-being, reduces stress, and enhances productivity.

2. How can I create a restful environment?

To create a restful environment, design your space for tranquility, eliminate distractions, and establish boundaries with work and personal commitments.

3. What are some mindfulness techniques for rest?

Mindfulness techniques include being present in the moment, engaging your senses, practicing deep breathing exercises, and incorporating meditation.

4. How does physical rest contribute to overall well-being?

Physical rest promotes muscle recovery, enhances immune function, and improves overall physical health. It also helps regulate hormones and supports mental well-being.

5. Can hobbies be a form of rest?

Yes, hobbies can be a form of rest as they provide an opportunity to disconnect from daily stressors, engage in enjoyable activities, and find relaxation and fulfillment.

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How Social Media Effects Body Image

Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, revolutionizing the way we connect, communicate, and perceive the world around us. While it brings numerous benefits, there are also significant downsides, particularly when it comes to body image.

In this article, we will explore how social media effects body image, the negative effects it can have, and ways to promote a healthy body image in the digital age.


In today’s society, the pressure to conform to certain beauty standards is pervasive. Social media platforms often exacerbate these pressures, presenting users with carefully curated images that portray an idealized version of beauty. As a result, individuals, especially young adults, and teenagers, may develop unrealistic expectations about their own bodies.

Definition of Body Image

Before delving into the influence of social media on body image, it is essential to understand what body image entails. Body image refers to an individual’s perception and evaluation of their own physical appearance. It is influenced by various factors, including societal standards, cultural beliefs, and personal experiences.

Perception of Beauty

The perception of beauty varies across cultures and changes over time. Social media, however, often promotes a narrow and standardized definition of beauty, emphasizing specific body types, flawless skin, and unrealistic physical features. This relentless portrayal of an idealized beauty standard can distort one’s perception of what is normal and attainable.

Unrealistic Standards

Social media platforms are flooded with images that have been heavily edited and filtered. These images, often presenting an unattainable level of perfection, can leave individuals feeling dissatisfied with their own appearance. The constant exposure to these images can lead to self-comparisons and feelings of inadequacy.

Influence of Social Media

Social media platforms offer a constant stream of content, influencing the way individuals perceive themselves and others. Here are three significant ways in which social media affects body image.

Comparison and Envy

Social media facilitates comparisons between individuals, creating a breeding ground for envy and dissatisfaction. Seeing others who appear more attractive or have seemingly perfect bodies can evoke feelings of jealousy and inadequacy, leading to a negative impact on one’s body image.


Objectification is a prevalent issue on social media platforms. Women, in particular, are often reduced to their physical appearance and objectified as objects of desire. This objectification reinforces unrealistic beauty standards and can contribute to a distorted body image and low self-esteem.

Filtered Reality

The rise of filters and photo-editing tools on social media has created a filtered reality where flawless appearances are the norm. Constant exposure to these highly edited images can blur the line between reality and fantasy, distorting one’s perception of what is attainable or acceptable in terms of physical appearance.

Negative Effects on Body Image

The influence of social media on body image can have detrimental effects on individuals’ mental health and well-being. Here are three common negative consequences.

Low Self-Esteem

Exposure to idealized beauty standards on social media can significantly impact an individual’s self-esteem. Constantly comparing oneself to others and feeling inadequate can lead to a diminished sense of self-worth, which may manifest as low self-esteem and feelings of self-consciousness.

Eating Disorders

Social media’s portrayal of thinness as the epitome of beauty can contribute to the development of eating disorders. The pressure to achieve an unattainable body type, combined with the glorification of extreme dieting and harmful weight loss methods, can lead to disordered eating behaviors and a distorted body image.

Body Dysmorphia

Body dysmorphia is a psychological disorder characterized by an obsessive preoccupation with perceived flaws in one’s physical appearance. The constant exposure to edited images and idealized beauty standards on social media can exacerbate body dysmorphia symptoms, causing distress and impairing daily functioning.

Positive Use of Social Media

While social media can have negative effects on body image, it can also be a platform for positive change. Here are three ways social media can promote a healthy body image.

Body Positivity Movements

Social media has been instrumental in fostering body positivity movements. Individuals are using platforms to challenge societal beauty norms, celebrate diverse body types, and promote self-acceptance. These movements strive to create a more inclusive and accepting environment for all individuals, regardless of their appearance.

Inspiring Authenticity

In an era of heavily edited images, social media users are increasingly appreciating authenticity. Influencers and content creators who embrace their imperfections and share unfiltered, real-life moments are gaining popularity. This shift toward authenticity encourages individuals to embrace their uniqueness and promotes a more realistic and positive body image.

Supportive Communities

Social media allows individuals to connect with like-minded people and join supportive communities. Online platforms have become spaces where individuals can share their struggles, seek support, and receive encouragement. These communities foster a sense of belonging and can counteract the negative impact of unrealistic beauty standards.

Tips for Promoting a Healthy Body Image

Despite the challenges posed by social media, it is possible to cultivate a healthy body image. Here are three practical tips to promote a positive relationship with your body in the digital age.

Curate Your Social Media Feed

Be mindful of the content you consume by curating your social media feed. Unfollow accounts that make you feel inadequate or trigger negative emotions. Instead, follow accounts that promote body positivity, self-acceptance, and mental well-being. Surrounding yourself with uplifting and diverse content can have a profound impact on your body image.

Engage in Positive Conversations

Engage in conversations that challenge societal beauty standards and promote body acceptance. Share your own experiences and struggles to foster understanding and empathy among your social circles. By promoting open discussions about body image, you can help create a supportive environment both online and offline.

Seek Support and Professional Help

If you find yourself struggling with body image issues, it is crucial to seek support. Reach out to friends, family, or professionals who can provide guidance and help you navigate these challenges. Therapists and counselors specializing in body image and self-esteem can offer valuable insights and strategies to develop a healthier relationship with your body.


Social media’s influence on body image is undeniable, with both positive and negative consequences. While it can perpetuate unrealistic beauty standards and trigger negative emotions, social media also offers opportunities for body positivity, authenticity, and supportive communities. By curating our social media feeds, engaging in positive conversations, and seeking support when needed, we can strive to cultivate a healthy body image in the digital age.

If you need professional help with “How social media effects body image,” just call Cedarway Therapy, and our experts will help you. We provide online and in-person therapy for individuals, couples, and families. Our experienced team of therapists specializes in a range of areas, such as depression, anxiety, trauma, substance abuse, body image issues, relationship issues, parenting challenges, and more. Contact us today to start your journey toward healing.

FAQs: How social media effects body image

Is it possible to completely avoid the negative effects of social media on body image?

While it may be challenging to completely avoid the negative effects, being mindful of the content you consume and engaging in positive conversations can help mitigate these impacts.

Can social media be a tool for improving body image?

Yes, social media can be a platform for promoting body positivity, embracing diversity, and fostering supportive communities, which can contribute to a healthier body image.

Are filters and editing tools solely responsible for the negative effects of social media on body image?

Filters and editing tools play a role in distorting reality, but the overall impact is influenced by various factors, including societal beauty standards and the way individuals perceive and interpret the content.

How can I support a friend struggling with body image issues influenced by social media?

Be a supportive listener, validate their feelings, and encourage them to seek professional help if necessary. Avoid making comparisons or reinforcing unrealistic beauty standards.

Is body image solely related to physical appearance?

Body image encompasses one’s perception and evaluation of their physical appearance, but it also includes psychological and emotional factors tied to body acceptance and self-worth.

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Understanding Supporting vs Enabling

Understanding supporting vs enabling these concepts can help us better understand our role as a leader or team members.

Supporting someone and enabling them may seem similar, but they have distinct differences that can significantly impact personal growth and well-being. Knowing the similarities and differences between these concepts can help us be better supporters, enablers, and leaders.

This article will explore the definitions of supporting and enabling, highlight the key differences between the two, and provide strategies for establishing healthy relationships based on support rather than enabling.

Definition of Supporting

Supporting someone means providing assistance, encouragement, and resources to help them navigate challenges, achieve their goals, and grow as individuals. It involves being there for someone emotionally, physically, or mentally without taking over or solving their problems for them. Support is empowering, as it allows individuals to develop skills, resilience, and independence.

Definition of Enabling

Enabling, on the other hand, involves inadvertently or deliberately allowing or encouraging someone’s negative behavior or unhealthy habits. Enablers often shield individuals from the consequences of their actions, preventing them from taking responsibility and learning from their mistakes. Enabling can hinder personal growth and perpetuate destructive patterns.

Key Differences

While supporting and enabling share the intention of assisting others, their approach and outcomes differ significantly. Here are some key differences:

Accountability: Support encourages accountability while enabling undermines it. Supporting individuals encourages them to take responsibility for their actions, whereas enabling shields them from consequences.

Independence: Supporting promotes independence and self-reliance, whereas enabling fosters dependence and learned helplessness.

Long-term Growth: Support contributes to long-term personal growth, whereas enabling can lead to stagnation or regression.

Healthy Boundaries: Support respects healthy boundaries, whereas enabling often involves crossing boundaries and engaging in codependent behavior.

Understanding Boundaries

Boundaries play a crucial role in distinguishing between support and enabling. It’s essential to establish clear boundaries to ensure healthy relationships. When boundaries are crossed, support can transform into enabling. Here are some ways to recognize and maintain boundaries:

Clearly communicate your own needs and expectations.

Respect the autonomy and decision-making of others.

Acknowledge and honor personal limitations.

Seek consent before offering help or advice.

Regularly evaluate and adjust boundaries as necessary.

Recognizing Patterns

To differentiate between supporting and enabling, it’s important to recognize patterns of behavior. Pay attention to the following signs:

Consistently assuming responsibility for someone else’s problems.

Feeling emotionally drained or overwhelmed by constant involvement in someone’s difficulties.

Observing a lack of personal growth or initiative in the individual you’re assisting.

Noticing a recurring cycle of negative behavior without consequences or change.

Impact on Personal Growth

Support has a positive impact on personal growth, fostering resilience, self-confidence, and independence. It empowers individuals to face challenges and develop problem-solving skills. Conversely, enabling hinders personal growth by creating dependency, preventing individuals from learning from their mistakes, and perpetuating destructive patterns.

Importance of Support

Support is vital for individuals to thrive and overcome obstacles. It provides a sense of security, emotional well-being, and a nurturing environment for personal development. The presence of supportive relationships contributes to overall happiness, fulfillment, and success.

The Danger of Enabling

Enabling can have detrimental effects on both the enabler and the individual being enabled. Enablers often experience burnout, frustration, and resentment. The enabled individual becomes reliant on others and may struggle with personal responsibility, making it challenging for them to develop healthy coping mechanisms and resilience.

Establishing Healthy Relationships

To establish healthy relationships based on support, it’s important to prioritize the following:

Mutual respect and trust.

Open and honest communication.

Encouraging personal growth and independence.

Maintaining boundaries and promoting accountability.

Balancing support with encouraging self-sufficiency.

Setting Boundaries

Setting and maintaining boundaries is crucial when providing support. Boundaries ensure that the line between support and enabling is clear. Here are some strategies to establish and uphold boundaries:

Clearly communicate expectations and limitations.

Learn to say “no” when necessary.

Practice active listening and empathy without assuming responsibility.

Encourage autonomy and decision-making in others.

Seek support for yourself to avoid burnout.

Encouraging Independence

Promoting independence is a key aspect of healthy support. Here are some ways to encourage independence in others:

Empower individuals to make their own decisions.

Encourage problem-solving and critical thinking.

Celebrate and acknowledge achievements and milestones.

Offer guidance and resources without taking over.

Strategies for Effective Support

Support should be constructive and empowering. Here are some strategies for providing effective support:

Active Listening: Show genuine interest and attentiveness when someone shares their concerns or experiences.

Empathy and Understanding: Try to put yourself in their shoes and validate their emotions and experiences.

Emotional Support: Offer comfort, reassurance, and empathy during difficult times.

Providing Resources: Offer practical help, information, or connections to aid in problem-solving.

Encouragement and Motivation: Inspire and uplift others with positive reinforcement and encouragement.


Understanding the distinction between supporting and enabling is crucial for fostering personal growth and maintaining healthy relationships. Supporting involves empowering individuals to overcome challenges and grow while enabling can hinder progress and perpetuate negative patterns. By recognizing boundaries, encouraging independence, and providing effective support, we can create an environment conducive to personal development and well-being.

At Cedarway Therapy, you’ll experience a supportive environment to help you reach your goals. Our experienced therapists will provide personalized guidance and resources to aid in solution-focused therapy, promote self-sufficiency, and foster resilience. Contact us today to learn more about our services. We look forward to supporting you on your journey!

FAQs: Understanding Supporting vs Enabling

What is the difference between supporting and enabling?

Supporting involves empowering individuals to navigate challenges and grow while enabling involves shielding individuals from consequences and perpetuating negative behavior or habits.

How do boundaries impact support and enabling?

Boundaries play a crucial role in distinguishing between support and enabling. Clear boundaries ensure healthy relationships and prevent support from transforming into enabling.

What are the dangers of enabling?

Enabling can lead to dependency, hinder personal growth, and create resentment and burnout for both the enabler and the enabled individual.

How can I encourage independence while providing support?

Encouraging independence involves empowering individuals to make their own decisions, fostering problem-solving skills, and offering guidance without taking over.

What are some strategies for providing effective support?

Strategies for effective support include active listening, empathy, emotional support, providing resources, and offering encouragement and motivation.

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How Much Does Therapy Cost in Canada

Mental health is a vital aspect of overall well-being, and seeking therapy can be an invaluable step towards achieving emotional balance and personal growth. If you’re considering therapy in Canada, it’s important to understand the associated costs to make an informed decision. How much does therapy cost in Canada?

The cost of therapy in Canada varies depending on several factors, including the therapist’s qualifications, location, specialization, and the specific type of therapy being sought. While therapy can be an investment, it is important to remember that many provinces and territories in Canada offer public healthcare programs that cover a portion of mental health services. Additionally, some therapists offer sliding scale fees or reduced rates for individuals with financial constraints.

By exploring different options, reaching out to therapists, and considering available resources, you can find a therapy approach and cost structure that aligns with your needs and budget, ensuring that mental health support is accessible and attainable.

Understanding the Cost of Therapy in Canada

If you’re looking for therapy in Canada, one of the most important questions you may have is: How much does therapy cost in Canada? Unfortunately, the answer isn’t straightforward, as the cost of therapy can vary depending on several factors, such as the type of therapy, the length of the session, and the qualifications of the therapist.

On average, the cost of a therapy session in Canada is approximately $150 per hour. However, this can vary depending on the service provider and location. To get an accurate estimate of what you might expect to pay, it’s best to contact the therapist directly or check with your health insurance provider.

How Much Do Counselling Sessions Typically Cost?

The cost of counselling sessions in Canada can range from around $150 to $250 per hour, depending on the type of therapy, the therapist’s qualifications, and the therapist’s location. For example, psychoanalysis or intensive trauma therapy can cost more than cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), which tends to be less expensive. Therapists with more experience and qualifications, such as registered psychologists or psychotherapists, may also charge more for their services.

Are There Affordable Therapy Options Available in Canada?

Yes, there are affordable therapy options available in Canada. One option is to look for community mental health centres or non-profit organizations that offer low-cost or free therapy services. Another option is to seek out therapy from a graduate student or intern who is working under the supervision of a licensed therapist. Many universities offer affordable therapy services as part of their training programs. Finally, some therapists offer sliding-scale fees based on income, making therapy more affordable for those who may not be able to pay the full cost.

You can opt for affordable therapy options available in Canada to get the help you need without going overboard with your expenses. With patience and proper research, you can find an experienced therapist who offers low-cost services that fit your budget.

Medical Benefits and Private Insurance

If you have medical benefits or private insurance, you may be able to use them to cover the cost of therapy. For example, many employers offer employee assistance programs (EAPs) that provide coverage for mental health services. Private insurance plans may also cover therapy sessions, depending on the plan and the type of therapy. Be sure to check with your insurance provider to see what is covered and what the limitations are.

Choosing The Right Therapist

When choosing a therapist, cost should not be the only factor to consider. It’s important to find a therapist who is a good fit for you and who has the qualifications and experience to help you with your specific needs. Consider factors such as the therapist’s credentials, experience, and areas of specialization. You may also want to read reviews or ask for recommendations from friends or family members.

Additionally, it’s important to check the therapist’s credentials and verify that they are licensed and accredited in their field. You may also want to meet with them for a free consultation before deciding if they are the right fit for you.

If you’re looking for the right therapist Burlington for you, just contact Cedarway Therapy today! Our experts provide the best mental health treatment in the Vancouver area and provide quality, comprehensive therapy services to help their clients achieve their goals.  We are committed to providing affordable and accessible care so that everyone can receive the help they need. Contact us today for more information about their services and rates!

Final Thoughts

Therapy can be expensive in Canada, but there are affordable options available. Consider factors such as the type of therapy, the qualifications of the therapist, and the location of the therapist when looking for affordable therapy options. If you have medical benefits or private insurance, be sure to check if therapy is covered. Finally, take the time to find a therapist who is a good fit for you and who has the qualifications and experience to help you with your specific needs.

We hope this article has answered your question: How much does therapy cost in Canada? Now that you know more about the overall cost of therapy and the various options available to you, it’s time to begin your search for the right therapist for you.

FAQs: How Much Does Therapy Cost in Canada

How can I find an affordable therapist in Canada?

When looking for an affordable therapist in Canada, consider factors such as the type of therapy, the qualifications of the therapist, and the location. Research community mental health centers, non-profit organizations, or universities that offer affordable therapy services. Seek out therapists who offer sliding-scale fees based on income. Consider reaching out to graduate students or interns who are working under the supervision of a licensed therapist. Finally, ask for recommendations from friends or family members who have had positive experiences with therapists.

Is cost the only factor to consider when choosing a therapist?

No, cost should not be the only factor to consider when choosing a therapist. It’s important to find a therapist who is a good fit for you and who has the qualifications and experience to help you with your specific needs. Consider factors such as the therapist’s credentials, experience, and areas of specialization. You may also want to read reviews or ask for recommendations from friends or family members. It’s important to feel comfortable and safe with your therapist, as this can impact the effectiveness of your therapy sessions.

What are the factors that determine the cost of therapy in Canada?

The cost of therapy in Canada can vary based on several factors. These factors include the type of therapy sought (e.g., individual, couples, or family therapy), the qualifications and experience of the therapist, the location (urban areas may have higher rates), and the length and frequency of sessions. Additionally, the availability of public healthcare coverage or private insurance can impact the out-of-pocket costs for therapy services. It’s advisable to inquire directly with therapists or therapy clinics in your area to get a better understanding of the specific costs and any potential coverage options.

Are there any subsidized or low-cost therapy options available in Canada?

Yes, there are subsidized and low-cost therapy options available in Canada. Publicly funded mental health services, such as those provided through community health centers or hospitals, may offer therapy at reduced or no cost, particularly for individuals with limited financial resources or specific eligibility criteria. Additionally, some non-profit organizations or charitable foundations may offer subsidized therapy services or sliding scale fees based on income. It’s worth exploring these resources and contacting local mental health organizations or helplines to inquire about available low-cost therapy options in your province or territory.

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Can EMDR Cause Insomnia?

In recent years, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) has emerged as a highly effective therapeutic technique for individuals struggling with trauma-related issues. However, concerns about potential side effects, such as insomnia, have also arisen. It is important to note that while EMDR can occasionally lead to temporary sleep disturbances, it is unlikely to cause chronic or long-term insomnia.

In fact, EMDR aims to alleviate symptoms of insomnia associated with trauma by addressing the underlying emotional distress. With the guidance of a trained therapist, individuals can safely undergo EMDR therapy, gradually reducing the impact of traumatic experiences and promoting overall healing and well-being. By understanding the potential short-term effects of EMDR and working closely with a qualified professional, individuals can confidently embark on this transformative therapeutic journey.

This guide will help you explore what is EMDR, whether can EMDR cause insomnia, and many more.

What is EMDR?

EMDR was developed in the late 1980s by Francine Shapiro, a psychologist in California, as a way to treat PTSD. It is a form of psychotherapy that uses rapid eye movements, sounds, or taps to stimulate the brain, which helps reduce the intensity of traumatic memories. EMDR is based on the idea that traumatic events can become stuck in the brain and cause problems with emotional processing.

Additionally, EMDR is thought to work by helping the brain process traumatic memories more quickly and efficiently, which can reduce their emotional impact.

Can EMDR Cause Insomnia?

Insomnia is a common side effect of EMDR therapy. Some people may experience difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or waking up too early. Insomnia after EMDR may be caused by several factors, including increased arousal, anxiety, and heightened emotions. Insomnia may also be a sign that the therapy is working, as the brain is processing traumatic memories and emotions.

What Are Common Symptoms After EMDR?

After an EMDR session, it is common to experience some symptoms, including fatigue, dizziness, nausea, and headache. These symptoms usually go away within a few hours or days after the therapy. Some people may also experience heightened emotions, vivid memories, or flashbacks after EMDR.

If you experience some of these symptoms after your EMDR session, it is important to talk to your therapist. They can provide support and help you manage any distress related to the symptoms.

Can EMDR Cause Nightmares?

EMDR can sometimes cause nightmares, especially if the therapy involves processing traumatic memories. Nightmares can be a sign that the brain is processing emotional material, but they can also be distressing and interfere with sleep. If nightmares persist after EMDR, it is important to talk to your therapist about adjusting the therapy.

Talking to your therapist throughout this process is important, as they can provide support and help you manage any distress related to EMDR. Additionally, it is important to practice good sleep hygiene to help promote better sleep quality.

What Are The Weaknesses of EMDR?

EMDR is generally considered safe and effective for treating PTSD and other emotional disorders. However, like any therapy, it has its weaknesses. EMDR may not be effective for everyone, and some people may experience adverse effects after the therapy. It may also be more expensive than other forms of therapy, as it requires specialized training and equipment.

In short, EMDR is not for everyone, and it can cause some adverse effects. As with any therapy, it is important to talk to your therapist about any concerns you may have.

When Is EMDR Not Recommended?

EMDR may not be recommended for people with certain medical or psychiatric conditions. For example, people with epilepsy, bipolar disorder, or dissociative disorders may not be good candidates for EMDR. Talking to your therapist about any medications you are taking is also important, as some medications may interact with EMDR.

What Are The Dangers of EMDR Therapy?

EMDR is generally considered safe when performed by a trained therapist. However, there are some risks associated with the therapy. These risks include increased anxiety, emotional distress, and re-traumatization. This is due to the fact that EMDR can involve processing traumatic memories, which can cause distress.

It is important to talk to your therapist about any concerns you may have before starting EMDR therapy. Additionally, it is important to ask for help if you start feeling overwhelmed or distressed during the session.


In conclusion, EMDR is a safe and effective therapy for treating PTSD, anxiety, and other emotional disorders. However, like any therapy, it has its risks and limitations. Insomnia, nightmares, and other adverse effects may occur after EMDR, but these symptoms usually go away within a few hours or days. If you are considering EMDR, it is important to talk to a trained therapist about the benefits and risks of the therapy.

Looking for a reliable therapist? Just give Cedarway Therapy a call. Our experts are more than equipped to handle your case with their evidence-based, compassionate approach. We can provide the support and guidance you need to get through this difficult time. Call now and start feeling better today!

FAQs About Can EMDR Cause Insomnia

Is it common to experience sleep disturbances after undergoing EMDR therapy?

While EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a highly effective therapy for trauma and other mental health issues, it’s possible to experience temporary sleep disturbances as a result of the therapy. This is because EMDR can bring up intense emotions and memories that may affect sleep patterns. However, it’s important to note that these disturbances are usually transient, and most individuals find their sleep patterns stabilize as they continue with therapy. It’s crucial to discuss any sleep-related concerns with your therapist, as they can provide tailored guidance and strategies to manage insomnia symptoms during the therapy process.

How does EMDR affect the brain and contribute to sleep-related changes?

EMDR is believed to work by stimulating bilateral brain activity through eye movements or other bilateral stimulation techniques. This process can activate emotional processing and facilitate the reintegration of traumatic memories. Due to the nature of the therapy, it’s possible for some individuals to experience heightened emotions and increased psychological arousal, which can affect sleep quality. However, as therapy progresses, individuals often find that their sleep patterns normalize, and they experience improved emotional regulation and overall well-being.

Are there strategies to manage insomnia symptoms during EMDR therapy?

Yes, there are strategies to manage insomnia symptoms during EMDR therapy. Your therapist may suggest relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing exercises or mindfulness practices, to promote better sleep hygiene. Creating a calm bedtime routine, maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, and avoiding stimulating activities or substances before sleep can also contribute to improved sleep quality. It’s important to maintain open communication with your therapist and discuss any concerns or difficulties you may be experiencing to receive tailored support and guidance throughout your EMDR therapy journey.

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