What is Emotional Sobriety and Why is it Important?

Emotional sobriety is a term that is often used in the addiction recovery community to describe a state of emotional well-being and balance. It refers to the ability to manage one’s emotions in a healthy and productive way, without turning to addictive substances or behaviors. Emotional sobriety is an important aspect of overall wellness and can have a positive impact on relationships, work, and personal growth.

Now why is it important to know about emotional sobriety? Well, it helps us to identify and understand our feelings in a better way. It allows us to express ourselves without overreacting or lashing out, and it gives us the ability to be more mindful of our behavior. Additionally, being emotionally sober can help us manage difficult situations with greater clarity and resilience.

In this article, we will explore “What is emotional sobriety and why is it important?” and how to achieve and maintain it.

Defining Emotional Sobriety

Emotional sobriety is a term that was first coined by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) in the 1950s. It was originally used to describe the emotional and psychological healing that occurs during the recovery process from addiction. Today, the term is used more broadly to describe a state of emotional balance and well-being that can be achieved by anyone, whether or not they have struggled with addiction.

Emotional sobriety is often contrasted with physical sobriety, which refers to abstaining from the use of drugs or alcohol. While physical sobriety is an important part of addiction recovery, it is not enough on its own to achieve long-term sobriety and well-being.

The Importance of Emotional Sobriety

Now that you know what it means, let’s look at why emotional sobriety is important. Emotional sobriety can help you become more mindful of your feelings, better able to express them without overreacting, and ultimately gain greater control over your decisions and behavior.

In addition, emotional sobriety can improve mental health by decreasing symptoms of depression and anxiety. It can also lead to improved relationships with family, friends, and co-workers, as well as increased self-confidence and motivation. If we are in tune with our emotions, we can learn to better recognize our needs and be more accepting of ourselves.

Emotional Sobriety can also help in addiction recovery as it can help people recognize triggers, reduce stress and cravings for substances or behaviors, and cope better with relapse. There are a lot of reasons why emotional sobriety is important and beneficial for an individual’s personal growth. Let’s take a look at some of its characteristics and how to achieve and maintain them.

Characteristics of Emotional Sobriety

The following are some of the key characteristics of emotional sobriety:

Self-awareness: Emotional sobriety requires a deep understanding of one’s own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. It involves being able to recognize and acknowledge difficult emotions rather than suppressing or avoiding them.

Acceptance: Emotional sobriety involves accepting oneself and others for who they are rather than trying to change or control them. This includes accepting one’s own flaws and imperfections as well as those of others.

Emotional regulation: Emotional sobriety requires the ability to regulate one’s emotions in a healthy and productive way. This involves being able to identify and manage triggers, as well as developing healthy coping mechanisms for stress and anxiety.

Mindfulness: Emotional sobriety involves being present at the moment rather than dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. This can be achieved through mindfulness practices such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing.

Inner peace: Emotional sobriety requires a sense of inner peace and contentment, even in the midst of difficult circumstances. This can be achieved through spiritual practices, such as prayer or connecting with nature.

Gratitude: Emotional sobriety involves cultivating a sense of gratitude for the good things in one’s life rather than focusing on what is lacking. This can help to foster a sense of positivity and well-being.

Achieving Emotional Sobriety

Achieving emotional sobriety is a process that takes time and effort. The following are some strategies that can help:

Developing coping skills: Learning healthy coping mechanisms for stress and anxiety is an important part of emotional sobriety. This might include techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or exercise.

Seeking support: Building a support network of friends, family, or professionals can provide a safe space to discuss difficult emotions and gain perspective.

Cultivating self-awareness: Practicing self-reflection and journaling can help to develop a deeper understanding of one’s own thoughts and feelings.

Exploring spirituality: Engaging in spiritual practices, such as prayer or meditation, can provide a sense of purpose and inner peace.

Finding meaning and purpose: Identifying one’s own values and goals can provide a sense of direction and purpose, which can be a powerful motivator for emotional sobriety.

Maintaining Emotional Sobriety

Sobriety Maintenance

The first step in achieving emotional sobriety is to maintain our sobriety from substances or behaviors that can impair our judgment and emotional regulation. This means staying away from drugs, alcohol, or other unhealthy coping mechanisms that may provide temporary relief but ultimately lead to more emotional chaos.

Identifying Triggers

Once we’ve achieved sobriety, we need to identify our emotional triggers. These are situations, people, or events that tend to trigger an emotional reaction in us. By recognizing our triggers, we can prepare ourselves and develop healthy coping strategies to deal with them.

Staying Grounded

Staying grounded is crucial for emotional sobriety. It means being present in the moment and not getting caught up in past regrets or future worries. Practices like mindfulness meditation or deep breathing exercises can help us stay centered and calm, even in the midst of difficult situations.

Continuing Personal Growth and Development

Achieving emotional sobriety is not a one-time event but a lifelong process of personal growth and development. This involves seeking out new experiences, learning new skills, and challenging ourselves to step out of our comfort zones. By constantly expanding our horizons, we can cultivate a sense of purpose and fulfillment that can help us weather life’s storms.

Practicing Self-care

Finally, practicing self-care is essential for maintaining emotional sobriety. This means taking care of our physical, emotional, and spiritual needs on a regular basis. Whether it’s getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, or engaging in activities that bring us joy and fulfillment, self-care is the foundation of emotional well-being.

Final Thoughts

Emotional sobriety is a lifelong journey of self-discovery and emotional growth. It is about becoming more mindful of your feelings, developing healthy coping mechanisms, and building stronger relationships. It is not a quick fix but rather a process that requires patience, perseverance, and commitment.

The good news is that emotional sobriety is achievable for anyone who is willing to do the work. Whether you are struggling with addiction, mental health issues like Anxiety, or depression, or simply looking to improve your emotional well-being, there are people available to help you on your journey. Just visit Cedarway Therapy’s website or contact them or follow them on Facebook whenever you need professional help.

Remember, emotional sobriety is not about being perfect or never experiencing negative emotions. It is about learning to navigate life’s ups and downs with grace and resilience. By taking small steps every day to care for your emotional health, you can achieve a more fulfilling and satisfying life.

So, take a deep breath and take that first step towards emotional sobriety today. You are capable of so much more than you realize, and with a little bit of effort, you can transform your life and become the best version of yourself.

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How to Overcome Loneliness After a Breakup

Breaking up with someone you care about can be tough, and the days and weeks that follow can be some of the loneliest you’ll ever experience. The end of a relationship is a difficult time, and it can be hard to know how to move on, especially when you’re feeling lonely and heartbroken. But there are things you can do to overcome your loneliness and start feeling better again.

Loneliness can be a crippling emotion after a breakup. It can make you feel like you’re alone in the world, that nobody cares about you, and that you’ll never be happy again. The truth is, though, that loneliness is a normal part of the healing process. You’re allowed to feel lonely, and it’s okay to take some time to work through those emotions. However, if you’re struggling with loneliness, it’s important to take steps to overcome it so that you can start to feel happy and fulfilled again.

In this article, we’ll explore some tips and strategies on how to overcome loneliness after a breakup. From understanding your emotions to reaching out to friends and family, we’ll cover everything you need to know to start feeling better.

Understand Your Emotions

Accepting your feelings

One of the most important things you can do to overcome loneliness after a breakup is to accept your feelings. It’s okay to feel sad, angry, and lonely after a breakup. In fact, these emotions are a natural part of the healing process. So, don’t try to suppress your feelings or pretend that everything is okay. Instead, take the time to sit with your emotions and process them.

Avoiding distractions

While it’s important to accept your feelings, it’s also important to avoid distractions that might prevent you from processing those emotions. It’s easy to distract yourself with work, friends, or other activities, but if you’re not taking the time to work through your emotions, they’ll continue to linger. So, make sure you’re giving yourself the space you need to process your feelings, whether that means taking a walk, meditating, or journaling. If you want to read more about emotional sobriety, just check out our blog page.

Reach out to Friends and Family

Talk to someone you trust

Talking to someone you trust can be a great way to overcome loneliness after a breakup. Whether it’s a close friend, family member, or therapist, sharing your emotions with someone can help you feel less alone. Plus, talking to someone can provide you with a new perspective on your situation and help you move forward.

Connect with new people

While it’s important to lean on your existing support network, it’s also important to connect with new people. Joining a new club, taking a class, or volunteering can all be great ways to meet new people and expand your social circle. Plus, meeting new people can help you gain a new perspective on life and remind you that there’s more to the world than just your breakup.

Take Care of Yourself

Practice self-care

Taking care of yourself is one of the most important things you can do to overcome loneliness after a breakup. Make sure you’re eating well, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly. Additionally, taking time for self-care activities like taking a bath, reading a book, or getting a massage can help you feel more relaxed and less stressed.

Focus on your passions

Another way to take care of yourself is to focus on your passions. Whether it’s painting, writing, or hiking, doing something you love can help you feel more fulfilled and less lonely. Plus, focusing on your passions can help you gain

Positive Mindset

Another step to overcoming loneliness after a breakup is to develop a positive mindset. It’s essential to remember that your life is not over, and it’s time to focus on new beginnings. Instead of dwelling on negative thoughts and feelings, try to embrace positive affirmations and gratitude for what you have. Focus on the present moment and the things that make you happy.

Self-Reflection and Learning from the Breakup

The next step is to take time for self-reflection and learning from the breakup. It’s important to take an honest look at the relationship and understand what went wrong. Reflecting on the mistakes made in the past can help you grow and avoid similar situations in the future.

Starting New Hobbies and Trying New Things

Another great way to overcome loneliness after a breakup is to start new hobbies and try new things. Consider doing something you’ve always wanted to do but never had the chance to try. Whether it’s learning a new skill, taking a class, or trying a new sport, engaging in activities that bring you joy can help you regain your confidence and reduce loneliness.

Self-Improvement and Personal Growth

The fourth step to overcoming loneliness after a breakup is to focus on self-improvement and personal growth. Take the time to focus on your goals and aspirations. Set achievable goals that will help you grow and improve as a person. Consider learning a new language or reading more books, as these activities can help you improve your mental and emotional health.

Communication and Boundaries

While it’s essential to focus on your mental and emotional health after a breakup, it’s also crucial to communicate effectively with your ex and set healthy boundaries. Setting healthy boundaries for yourself so you can avoid falling into old patterns.

Avoiding Unhealthy Communication Habits

Avoiding unhealthy communication habits such as blame, guilt, and criticism can help you and your ex move on from the breakup. Instead, focus on positive and respectful communication to help you find closure and move forward.

Seeking Professional Help

Sometimes, overcoming loneliness after a breakup can be a challenging process that requires professional help. If you are struggling to cope with loneliness and emotions, it may be time to seek professional help. You can contact Cedarway Therapy; they are always ready to help you.

Understanding When to Seek Professional Help

It’s essential to recognize when you need professional help. If you find yourself unable to cope with loneliness, emotions, and depression, seeking professional help may be necessary. A licensed therapist or counselor can help you navigate these emotions and develop strategies to overcome loneliness and move on from the breakup.

Types of Therapy for Coping with Loneliness after a Breakup

There are several types of therapy that can help you cope with loneliness after a breakup, including cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), emotional-focused therapy, and acceptance and commitment therapy. These therapies can help you develop positive coping skills and a better understanding of your emotions.

Acceptance and Moving Forward

Importance of acceptance in the healing process

One of the biggest obstacles to moving on after a breakup is the inability to accept that the relationship has ended. It’s normal to feel sad, angry, or hurt, but holding onto those feelings for too long can prevent you from moving forward. Acceptance is the key to letting go and embracing new beginnings. It’s about acknowledging the reality of the situation and being at peace with it.

How to practice acceptance

There are many ways to practice acceptance, but the first step is to acknowledge your feelings and allow yourself to grieve. Be kind to yourself, and don’t try to rush the process. Once you’ve given yourself time to process your emotions, try to reframe your thoughts about the situation. Instead of focusing on what you’ve lost, focus on what you’ve gained from the experience. This can help shift your perspective and make it easier to let go.

Final Thoughts

Going through a breakup can be one of the most challenging experiences in life, but it’s also an opportunity for growth and self-discovery. By practicing self-care, setting healthy boundaries, seeking professional help when needed, and embracing new beginnings, you can overcome loneliness and move on to a brighter future. By going through each of the tips on how to overcome loneliness after a breakup, you’ll be a step ahead in self-healing and growth. Remember to be patient and kind to yourself throughout the process, and don’t be afraid to reach out for support when you need it. With time and effort, you can heal and find happiness again.

If you’re someone struggling after a breakup, you can contact Cedarway Therapy to help you get through it. You can also follow them on their social media pages to get updates.

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What is the Connection Between Sleep and Mood?

It is well known that a good night’s sleep is important for physical health, but did you know that it is also crucial for mental wellbeing? Poor sleep can contribute to feelings of anxiety and depression, as well as problems with concentration and memory. In this blog post, we’ll explore the question, what is the connection between sleep and mood, and offer some tips on how to get a better night’s rest.

Defining Sleep and the Stages of Sleep

Sleep is one of the essential components in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, yet many people are not adequately taking care of their sleep. According to the National Sleep Foundation, sleep can be simply defined as a naturally recurring state of mind where consciousness is suspended and functions such as cognition, alertness and motor control all cease temporarily.

During sleep, the body alternates between two distinct forms: rapid eye movement (REM) sleep that is involved in dreaming, and non-REM sleep which is divided into three progressively deeper stages: N1, N2, and finally N3. Each contributes to rejuvenating energy levels, restoring focus, aiding in information memorization/ processing as well as strengthening the immune system. Not getting enough quality sleep can lead to long-term health consequences such as difficulty concentrating and cognitive performance decrease. It can also lead to more serious problems down the line such as Insomnia, Anxiety, and Depression.

What is the Connection Between Sleep and Mood?

Sleep and mood are deeply intertwined; sleep instability can cause mood disturbances and difficulty regulating emotions, while poor emotional health can lead to sleep problems. In fact, many people with a mental health disorder experience symptoms of insomnia, hypersomnia (excessive sleep), or other kinds of sleep-wake cycle disruption. On the other hand, regular healthy sleep can boost happiness and emotional resilience. Getting enough hours of good quality restorative sleep helps keep our bodies functioning well on all levels – physically, mentally, and emotionally. Therefore, it’s important to prioritize both positive mental and physical health habits in order to ensure good emotional wellbeing throughout the day.

How Can Sleep Deprivation Affect Mood?

Sleep deprivation can have drastic and far-reaching effects on a person’s mood. While the mechanisms behind this effect are unclear, researchers believe that a lack of sleep interrupts the body’s natural systems, which regulate hormones and neurotransmitters associated with emotion. This disruption can lead to feelings of irritability, sadness, frustration, or even anger which is usually more intense than usual. In addition to these effects on mood, sleep deprivation is also believed to be negatively linked to mental functions such as memory and information processing. Research has shown that quality sleep is essential for starting and ending each day feeling happy and content so individuals should ensure they get enough quality sleep each night in order to protect their mental well-being.

What are Some Tips to Get a Good Night’s Sleep?

Having difficulty falling asleep can be frustrating and can put a damper on even the most relaxed day. In order to help get a good night’s sleep, start by practicing good sleep hygiene. Experts recommend keeping your bedroom cool, dark, and as quiet as possible since this helps signal to the body that it is time to sleep. Avoid screens before bed – studies have shown that blue light from tablets, phones, and computers can disrupt the production of melatonin which is one of the hormones that helps you fall asleep. Additionally, try to limit caffeine intake in the afternoon – consuming too much at night will make it difficult for your body to wind down. Most importantly, create calming pre-bedtime habits such as warm baths or reading a relaxing book. Following these steps will help you relax and drift off quickly for a restful night’s sleep.

How Important is Sleep For Your Mental Health?

Sleep is incredibly important for our mental health and well-being. When we don’t get enough rest, our bodies tell us in the form of fatigue and brain fog. In today’s stressful world it can be hard to prioritize sleep, but prioritizing this activity can have a profound effect on our overall health levels. Research has shown that insomnia is linked with an increased likelihood of developing issues such as depression, stress, and anxiety. On the flip side, quality sleep has been proven to improve mood swings, reduce stress, and promote greater control over emotions. Taking steps to ensure that we are getting enough rest each night – including winding down an hour before bedtime – can pay off in dividends for our mental well-being.

ConclusionWhat is the Connection Between Sleep and Mood?

Overall, sleep is an incredibly important and integral part of our mental health, allowing us to gain insight into different parts of the day and process emotions. By better understanding its features and effects, we can prioritize and plan strategies to get adequate sleep and create a healthier lifestyle. The connection between sleep deprivation, mood disorder, and mental health is clear – with not enough shut-eye comes an increase in depressive symptoms and difficulty regulating emotions. Employing good sleeping habits like avoiding caffeine or screens before bedtime can be extremely beneficial; even animals recognize the importance of rest. We should strive for meaningful sleep in order to empower our wellness and fully realize our capability for happiness.

Ultimately, If you need professional help for Insomnia Toronto, don’t hesitate to schedule a consultation with our team at Cedarway Therapy today! We would be more than happy to assist you!

Good luck!

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Beautiful macro closeup shot of a female human's deep eyes

How EMDR Can Help – 10 Benefits of EMDR Therapy

If you haven’t heard of EMDR therapy, you’re not alone. This type of therapy is still relatively unknown, but its benefits are vast. EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing) is a type of cognitive behavioral therapy that can help treat psychological trauma. In this blog post we will be going over what EMDR therapy is as well as discuss the top 10 benefits of how EMDR can help improve your mental health. Let’s get started!

What is EMDR Therapy?

EMDR therapy is a type of talk therapy that involves activating both sides of the brain in order to process and heal traumatic memories. Through guided eye movements, EMDR helps to rewire neural pathways in your brain to help you better cope with emotional trauma. This type of therapy has been proven effective for treating PTSD, anxiety, depression, phobias, and other mental health conditions.

How EMDR Can Help?

EMDR Therapy can be highly beneficial in a multitude of ways. With that being said, here are the top 10 benefits of EMDR treatment:

Benefit #1 – Reduce Anxiety and Panic Attacks

There is no doubt that chronic anxiety and panic attacks can be debilitating, but with EMDR there is hope. EMDR helps to reduce anxiety by processing the negative emotions associated with the traumatic experience. This is done through a series of eye movements which helps to reprocess the traumatic memory, allowing you to gain better control over your emotions overtime. This in turn, can help to reduce the severity and frequency of panic attacks correlated with your anxiety.

Benefit #2 – Reduce Negative Emotions

Traumatic experiences can leave us feeling overwhelmed by negative emotions such as guilt, shame, feelings of abandonment, fear and sadness. EMDR helps to reduce these overwhelming emotions by processing the painful memories associated with them. This helps contribute to a more positive outlook on life, while simultaneously reducing negative emotions.

Benefit #3 – Increase Self-Confidence

EMDR can help increase self-confidence by boosting a person’s sense of self-efficacy. Through the therapy, individuals can learn to trust their own ability to make decisions and take action without feeling overwhelmed or helpless. This increased confidence in oneself can help individuals become more assertive as well as better able to handle stress. Additionally, it can be beneficial for those who suffer from anxiety and depression since it can help them to gain a more positive outlook on life. As a result, individuals feel more in control of their lives and have the confidence to reach for their goals.

Benefit #4 – Improve Sleep Quality

Traumatic events can cause us to experience poor quality of sleep due to nightmares or general restlessness. However, by engaging in EMDR therapy we can address the underlying traumatic memories and reprocess them. This in turn can help to improve our sleep quality by reducing the intensity of the nightmares or restlessness experienced.

Benefit #5 – Improved Concentration

Traumatic experiences can cloud our ability to concentrate on tasks and impair our ability to work at maximum efficiency. Fortunately, EMDR therapy can help reduce this fog and improve concentration. By addressing the root causes of trauma, EMDR can help us focus on our goals, duties, and being more productive allowing us to put less emphasis on our past trauma, and allowing us to better focus on the present moment to make clearer decisions and think critically. Overall, with EMDR we are able to clear our heads of distracting thoughts, allowing us to concentrate better and get more work done.

Benefit #6 – Improved Relationship Dynamics

Traumatic experiences can result in difficulty forming or maintaining healthy relationships. EMDR helps to reprocess these memories, allowing us to gain a better understanding of our emotions and how they affect our relationships. This in turn can help to improve relationship dynamics by providing the tools needed for better communication and closeness.

Benefit #7 – Improved Quality of Life

When it comes to improving your quality of life, EMDR therapy can be a powerful tool. By helping to reduce and manage symptoms of trauma, anxiety, and depression, EMDR can help you feel more in control of your life. Additionally, it can help you identify negative thought patterns and replace them with positive ones. As a result, people often report feeling better equipped to handle difficult situations and improved overall well being after going through EMDR therapy.

Benefit #8 – Improved Emotional Regulation

When it comes to managing our emotions, EMDR treatment can be highly beneficial in improving emotional regulation. By using bilateral stimulation, EMDR helps us to process and integrate traumatic memories that can lead to improved emotional regulation. This means that we are better able to manage our emotions in a healthy way and respond appropriately to stressful situations. It also helps us let go of negative patterns of behavior and think more positively about ourselves and our lives. With increased emotional regulation, we are better able to cope with difficult emotions and create healthier relationships with others.

Benefit #9 – Improved Coping Skills

When an individual has strong emotional intelligence and has addressed their past trauma, they become more capable of coping with difficult situations in the present moment. Not only do they have an easier time understanding and managing their own emotions, but they also are better at recognizing the emotions of others in order to better navigate challenging scenarios. This improved coping ability gives them the tools to manage stress, respond appropriately in social settings, and develop resilience when faced with adversity.

Benefit #10 – Reduced Stress

Last but not least, the effects of traumatic experiences can lead to long-term stress. Luckily, EMDR therapy helps to reduce stress levels by allowing the client to work through and process past experiences with a trained therapist. By using eye movements, tapping on certain pressure points, and/or listening to audio tones, EMDR helps the brain reprocess traumatic memories in a more positive manner. This helps the client gain insight into how past events have shaped their current emotions and behaviors, and they are better equipped to cope with future stressors.

Conclusion – How EMDR Can Help

In conclusion, in regards to the question about how EMDR can help, we see that EMDR therapy is a powerful tool for addressing the effects of traumatic experiences. By reprocessing the memories associated with the event, EMDR helps to reduce the intensity of the negative emotions associated with it. This in turn can lead to numerous benefits such as improved self-confidence, better sleep quality, improved concentration, improved relationship dynamics, and improved quality of life.

Ultimately, If you need professional help or trauma counselling, don’t hesitate to schedule a consultation with our team at Cedarway Therapy today! We would be more than happy to assist you! You can also check out our Google Business Profile here to visit our in-person location.

Good luck!

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What is ADHD and What Does Treatment Look Like?

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurobehavioral disorder characterized by problems with focus, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness. Symptoms of ADHD typically begin in childhood and can persist into adulthood. While there is no cure for ADHD, treatment options are available to help manage symptoms. Treatment may include medication, therapy, or a combination of both. In this blog post, we will explore what ADHD is, its potential causes, and treatment options available to help manage the condition.

What is ADHD?

ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that includes symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness. People with ADHD may have difficulty concentrating or completing tasks, be highly active, or act without thinking. These behaviors can impair their ability to complete everyday activities such as schoolwork and chores. The exact cause of ADHD is unknown but is believed to be related to genetics and environmental factors.

What are the Common Symptoms of ADHD?

The common symptoms of ADHD vary from person to person, but may include:

â€Ē Difficulty concentrating or staying focused on tasks

â€Ē Impulsivity and difficulty controlling emotions

â€Ē Hyperactivity or restlessness

â€Ē Poor organizational skills

â€Ē Disruptive behavior in school or social settings

â€Ē Difficulty following instructions

â€Ē Poor time management skills

Who is Qualified to Diagnose ADHD?

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is diagnosed by a qualified healthcare provider. This may include a doctor, psychologist Oakville, or psychiatrist. During the diagnosis process, they will review medical history, conduct tests and assessments, and look for signs of ADHD.

Who Does ADHD Impact?

ADHD can affect both children and adults, though it is most commonly diagnosed in childhood. The most common signs that you or your child may need an ADHD Diagnosis include the following:

  • Difficulty with focus and concentration,
  • Impulsivity or lack of self-control
  • Hyperactivity and restlessness
  • Difficulty following instructions
  • Low frustration tolerance or anger outbursts.

What Does ADHD Treatment Look Like?

The primary treatment for ADHD is a combination of therapy and medication. Regarding medications, stimulant medications such as Ritalin and Adderall are the most commonly prescribed drugs for treating ADHD in children and adolescents. Non-stimulant medications such as Strattera may also be prescribed. Medication cannot be prescribed by a psychologist.

In addition to medication, counseling and skills-based therapy can be helpful in managing the symptoms of ADHD. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a type of psychotherapy that can help people with ADHD learn strategies for managing their behaviour. Behavioural therapy may also be recommended to address issues such as hyperactivity and impulsivity. Parents of children with ADHD may also be encouraged to participate in family therapy or seek parenting consultation to help with understanding and managing the condition.

Overall, treatment for ADHD is most effective when it includes a combination of medication, counseling, and lifestyle modifications. It’s important to work closely with a healthcare provider to find an individualized plan that works best for you or your child.

What does a Typical ADHD Therapy Session Look Like?

A typical ADHD therapy session may include talking about symptoms, discussing strategies for managing them, and setting goals. Therapy sessions focus on helping people with ADHD build skills to cope with their difficulties in everyday life. Possible topics of discussion may include emotional regulation, organization, time management, communication, and relationships. The therapist will also provide support and education to help the person learn to manage their symptoms. Overtime, the therapist may also discuss and help implement lifestyle changes that can help with managing ADHD. These will be checked overtime to ensure consistent progress over the course of the treatment plan.

When is ADHD Medication Required?

People are encouraged to discuss the risks and benefits of medication for ADHD with their doctors. Sometimes, medication can help improve focus and reduce impulsivity, which may make it easier for people to manage their condition. 

If you or your child have been diagnosed with ADHD, it’s important to discuss the best treatment options with a qualified healthcare provider. Together, you can create an individualized plan that works best for your specific situation.

Why is ADHD Treatment Beneficial?

Treatment for ADHD is beneficial because it can help improve focus, reduce impulsivity and hyperactivity, and improve overall functioning. With proper treatment, people with ADHD can lead healthy, productive lives. It’s important to remember that every person is different and no one approach to treating ADHD works for everyone. Finding a treatment plan that works best for you or your child is essential.


In conclusion, ADHD is a common neurodevelopmental disorder that can cause difficulties in concentration and focus. It is most commonly diagnosed in childhood, but can affect people of all ages. Treatment for ADHD can include a combination of therapy, medication, and lifestyle changes. It’s important to work closely with a qualified doctor or therapist  to create an individualized plan that works best for you or your child.  With proper treatment and support, people with ADHD can lead successful lives.

If you think you or your child may have ADHD, talk to a healthcare provider about diagnosis and treatment options available. With the help of professionals and an individualized plan, managing ADHD is possible. If you still have questions about ADHD, check out our blog page today!

If you need professional help, don’t hesitate to schedule a consultation with our team at Cedarway Therapy today! We would be more than happy to assist you!

Good luck!

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What is Abandonment and How do I heal?

Abandonment is a term that is often used to describe the feeling of being rejected or by someone. However, abandonment can also refer to a physical act, such as when someone leaves you without any warning or explanation leaving you with a feeling of extreme loss. Regardless of the cause, abandonment can be a very difficult and painful experience. If you’re struggling with feelings of abandonment, know that you’re not alone and there are ways to heal. Keep reading to learn more about what is abandonment and how you can begin to heal from this hurtful experience.

What is Abandonment?

Abandonment can be understood in many ways, but can generally be defined as the voluntary forsaking or giving up of something. Emotional abandonment in particular  is when someone close to you chooses to emotionally distance themselves from you, or withdraws their emotional support. This can be due to various factors, including but not limited to:

– Falling out of love

– Change in values or lifestyles

Mental health issues

– A traumatic experience or event

Physical abandonment on the other hand , is when someone voluntarily leaves you without any warning or explanation. This, of course, can be a traumatic and confusing experience, especially if the abandonment was abrupt or unexpected.

How Does Abandonment Impact an Individual?

Abandonment can have a significant impact on an individual, causing feelings of depression and insecurity. Abandonment is likely to be accompanied by a sense of betrayal, as well as guilt and self-blame. That feeling of being discarded can have long-lasting effects, resulting in a fear of not being accepted or connected with others, even if those relationships are healthy or helpful. It may also lead to difficulties in developing meaningful connections in the future due to feelings of mistrust. Additionally, someone who has been abandoned might find it difficult to trust themselves, especially when making decisions about their own needs and wants. Seeking help from professionals such as in-person therapists or virtual therapists is often beneficial for anyone coping with abandonment issues as they provide valuable insight and support through the healing process.

How to Start Healing From the Pain of Abandonment

If you have suffered the pain of abandonment, it is important to begin your healing process and learn how to move on. With that being said, here are a few tips to consider:

Tip #1 – Recognize your Own Self-Worth & Learn Acceptance

First and foremost, it’s essential to recognize that the abandonment of another person does not reflect your own worth. Acceptance is key and this includes accepting that you have been let down by someone else and learning to forgive them (if you so choose). Doing so can help to release any negative energy or feelings associated with the experience. 

Tip #2 – Rebuild Your Support System

The pain of abandonment can often be mitigated by taking the time to rebuild your support system. This could mean reaching out to family and friends, joining a support group, or seeking professional help if needed. It’s also important to remember that you are not alone in this process, so don’t be afraid to rely on others for emotional support.

Tip #3 – Practice Positive Self-Care Habits

It’s essential to practice positive self-care habits such as eating healthy, exercising, and getting enough rest in order to foster self-love and resilience. Focusing on yourself will help you stay grounded and provide a sense of stability as you progress through the healing process.

Tip #4 – Make Peace With The Situation

Regardless of the situation it’s always important to make peace with the experience, even if that means letting go of any expectations or resentment. Doing so will help you move forward and resist any feelings of bitterness or despair.  If you are incapable of letting go by yourself, consider seeking professional help.

Tip #5 –  Turn Pain into Opportunity

Although it can be extremely difficult to come to terms with the pain of abandonment, it is possible to make the most of your situation. Try and focus on building new relationships, discovering who you are without them, or exploring opportunities that may have been missed out on during the time of abandonment.

Tip #6 – Express Your Feelings of Abandonment in a Healthy and Constructive Way

It can be easy to take the pain of abandonment out on yourself or those around you. It is important that you express your feelings in a healthy and constructive way. This could mean writing in a journal, meditating, creating art, or talking with someone who understands what you are going through.

Conclusion – What is Abandonment and How Do I Heal?

In conclusion,  abandonment is the act of being left behind or discarded by someone, usually a close family member or romantic partner. It often leads to feelings of betrayal, guilt, and self-blame. In order to start healing from the pain of abandonment it’s important to recognize your own worth, rebuild your support system, practice positive self-care habits, make peace with the situation, turn pain into opportunity, and express your feelings in a healthy and constructive way. With that being said, it is possible to move on from the hurt of abandonment and find hope for the future.

All in all, by understanding what abandonment is and taking steps to heal, you can begin to create a life where you feel whole and complete.  With patience and self-love, you can become empowered to take back your life and find joy in the present moment.

Now that you have read this article, it is time to put these tips into practice and start taking steps towards healing from the pain of abandonment. You deserve a life filled with joy and happiness, and you can have it if you commit to the process.  With time and effort, you will be able to move forward with confidence and create a life that is filled with love, connection, and peace. 

If you need professional help, don’t hesitate to schedule a consultation with our team at Cedarway Therapy today! We would be more than happy to assist you!

Good luck!

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with hands in heart, expressing love and health concept

7 Reasons Why Self-Compassion is so important

7 Reasons Why Self-Compassion is so important

Self-compassion is one of the most important skills we can learn in life. When we are kind and understanding towards ourselves, it allows us to forgive our mistakes and move on from them. It also enables us to have a more positive outlook on life, and reduces stress levels. In this blog post, we will discuss 7 reasons why self-compassion is so important. We hope that after reading this post, you will be motivated to start showing yourself some love! With that said, let’s get started!

What is Self-Compassion?

Self-compassion is defined as “extending compassion to one’s self in instances of perceived inadequacy, failure, or general suffering.” In other words, it is being kind and understanding towards yourself when you make a mistake or are going through a tough time.

Why is self-compassion important?

Why is Self Compassion Important?

Self-compassion is extremely important for a number of reasons. Among these primary reasons include the following:

Reason #1 – Self-Compassion Helps Us Forgive Ourselves

One of the biggest benefits of self-compassion is that it helps us forgive ourselves. When we are able to be understanding and kind towards ourselves, it becomes easier to let go of our mistakes. We all make them – nobody is perfect! – and dwelling on them only makes us feel worse. With self-compassion, we can acknowledge our errors, learn from them, and move on.

Reason #2 – Self-Compassion Reduces Stress Levels

Another important reason to practice self-compassion is that it can help reduce stress levels. When we are constantly berating ourselves, it takes a toll on our mental and emotional health. However, when we are able to show ourselves some compassion, it helps to alleviate stress and tension. At the end of the day, stress is a form of destructive behavior that can severely impact our physical and mental health. By accepting the things we can’t change while making an effort to change the things we can, it becomes a lot easier to stop stressing about things which are out of our control.

Reason #3 – Self-Compassion Increases Our Resilience

In addition to reducing stress levels, self-compassion also increases our resilience. This means that we are better able to bounce back from difficult situations. When we have compassion for ourselves, we are more likely to see the positive side of things and have hope in tough times. When looking at the greatest people in history who have overcome trials and tribulations they were able to do this through their inner strength and will to move forward. Inner strength itself comes from giving hope to yourself and from having the ability to be your own best friend in the darkest times of your life through self-compassion and understanding.

Reason #4 – Self-Compassion leads to Greater Happiness

Not only does self-compassion increase our resilience, but it also leads to greater happiness overall. This is because when we are kinder to ourselves, we tend to have a more positive outlook on life. It also allows us to be more accepting of ourselves – warts and all. Whether you may struggle with the perception of your physical body image, or addictive tendencies, self-compassion can offer a new way to cope with emotional situations in your life and offer you a fresh perspective on how to better accept yourself. Ultimately, when we are able to accept ourselves, it leads to greater self-esteem and self confidence which can lead to an undeniable increase in positive feelings and long-term happiness.

Reason #5 – Self-Compassion Motivates Us to Make Changes

If we are constantly putting ourselves down, it can be difficult to motivate ourselves to make positive changes. However, when we have self-compassion, we are more likely to see the need for change and be motivated to make it happen. Even taking goals one step at a time becomes easier when we’re not putting constant negative pressure on ourselves. As a result, learn to reward yourself for making small changes and progress. This can be anything from giving yourself a break after completing a task to buying yourself a small treat. The key is to focus on the positive and not dwell on any setbacks.

Reason #6 – Self-Compassion Leads to Improved Sleep

If you struggle with insomnia or other sleep issues, self-compassion can help. This is because when we are kinder to ourselves, we tend to have less anxiety and worry. This can lead to improved sleep patterns and overall better sleep quality. If you find yourself having consistent sleeping issues, consider checking out our insomnia disorder therapy services.

Reason #7 – Self-Compassion Helps Us Live in the Moment

Last but not least, self-compassion helps us live in the moment. When we are able to be kind and understanding towards ourselves, it is easier to be present. We are also more likely to appreciate the good things in our lives and find peace in the present as opposed to the typical pattern of feeling depressed from looking at the past or feeling stressed for looking into the future. Essentially, living a peaceful happy life is all about learning to make the most of today.


In conclusion, we hope you found our 7 reasons about why self-compassion is so important, informative. All in all, self-compassion can help in reducing stress levels, increasing our resilience, and having a profound impact on our lives. If you are struggling with self-acceptance or self-love, consider practicing self-compassion. It could be the key to a happier and healthier life. If you need further assistance, consider reaching out to one of our professional therapists today and we would be happy to help!

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Wonderful moments spent is silence

10 ways to find calmness in your day

10 ways to find calmness in your day

It can be tough to find calmness in our hectic lives. Between work, family commitments, and social obligations, it seems like there’s never enough time to just relax and take a breath. But it is possible! In this blog post, we will discuss 10 ways to find calmness in your day. Whether you’re looking for a few minutes of peace in the morning or a way to de-stress after work, we have you covered. So read on and find out how you can start living a more peaceful life today!

10 ways to find calmness in your day

Way #1 – Get enough sleep

This may seem like an obvious one, but it’s important to get enough sleep if you want to be calm during the day. When we’re tired, we’re more likely to be irritable and stressed out. Make sure you’re getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night and you’ll notice a big difference in how you feel during the day.

Way #2 – Set aside some time each day for yourself

It’s important to take some time each day to do something that you enjoy, without stress or obligations. Whether it’s reading, taking a walk, or just sitting in silence, taking some time for yourself will help you to relax and de-stress which is key in helping you have a calm and more focused mind.

Way #3 – Practice meditation or mindfulness

Mindfulness is a great way to focus your mind on the present and let go of stressors from the past or future. Mindfulness is all about being in the moment and accepting things as they are, without judgment. If you’re new to mindfulness, there are many great resources available to help you get started. Once you get the hang of it, you can start incorporating mindfulness into your everyday life. You can also check out our blog post covering the 10 ways of bringing mindfulness to your day.

Way #4 – Take some deep breaths

Whenever you start to feel stressed or anxious, take a few deep breaths. Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose, filling up your lungs. Hold the breath for a few seconds and then exhale slowly through your mouth. Repeat this about 10 times and you should start to feel more relaxed.

Way #5 – Exercise

Exercise is a great way to release tension and stress. It doesn’t have to be anything strenuous, even a short walk around the block can help. If you have more time, try something more vigorous like swimming or running. You’ll feel better afterwards and the endorphins will help to improve your mood. Overall, exercise can be a game changer in helping you achieve calmness in your day.

Way #6 – Connect with nature

Spending time in nature has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety. If you can, take a few minutes to step outside and get some fresh air. Take in the sights and sounds around you and appreciate the beauty of nature. This is a great way to center yourself and find calmness.

Way #7 – Disconnect from technology

In today’s world, it’s easy to get sucked into our phones and social media. But all of that screen time can be really draining and stressful. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, take a break from your devices and disconnect from the virtual world for a bit. Instead, choose to spend some time talking to a friend or family member, reading a book, or doing something else that you enjoy. You’ll be surprised how refreshed and relaxed you feel after some time away from your screens.

Way #8 – Practice yoga or stretching

Yoga and stretching are both great ways to calm the body and mind. Yoga can help to improve flexibility and strength, while also promoting mindfulness. If you’re new to yoga, there are plenty of beginner-friendly classes and videos available. And even if you’re not interested in yoga, simply spending a few minutes stretching your muscles can help you to feel more relaxed and calm.

Way #9 – Listen to calming music

Listening to calm, relaxing music can help to soothe and de-stress the mind. There are many different genres of calm music, so find something that you enjoy and put it on when you need to relax. You can also try using some white noise or nature sounds to help you focus and block out distractions or stay focused during work.

Way #10 – Color or draw

Sometimes, the best way to calm down is to simply let your mind wander. Coloring or drawing can be a great way to do this. There are many adult coloring books available, or you can just use some blank paper and some crayons or markers. Experiment with different colors and patterns and see where your creativity takes you. You may be surprised at how calming and therapeutic this activity can be.


In conclusion, we hope you found these 10 ways to find calmness in your day helpful. If you’re looking for a professional psychologist Oakville’s help to start reducing anxiety and obtaining the sense of calmness you are looking for, contact us today and we would be happy to help!!

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How to Support Men’s Mental Health

How to support men’s mental health

Mental health is an important issue that deserves to be talked about more. According to the World Health Organization, mental disorders are one of the leading causes of ill-health and disability in the world.  In this blog post, we will discuss how to support men’s mental health. We will cover why it is important, and provide some tips on how you can help out a man who is struggling. With that said, let’s get started!

How to Support Men's Mental Health

What is Men’s Mental Health?

Mental health is a state of well-being in which an individual can cope with the normal stresses of life, work productively, and make a contribution to his or her community. Taking care of one’s mental health is critical as  it can impact every aspect of life. Unfortunately, mental health is often stigmatized, and men are particularly reluctant to talk about it. This is likely due to the fact that society has traditionally viewed men as strong and invulnerable. As a result, men may feel like they have to bottle up their emotions and deal with them on their own. This  can lead to serious problems down the line.

Why is Men’s Mental Health Important?

Mental health is important for everyone, but it is especially crucial for men. This is because men are more likely to experience certain mental health disorders, such as depression and anxiety and deal with them in solitude.  Additionally, suicide is the leading cause of death for men under the age of 50 (Source). In fact, in 2020, it was reported that men died by suicide 3.88x more than women, with an average of nearly 130 suicides per day (Source). Consequently, it is important to learn how to support men’s mental health.

How to Support Men’s Mental Health?

Here are some tips on how you can support a man in your life who is struggling with his mental health:

Tip #1 – Actively Listen

The first step is to simply listen. It can be difficult for men  to open up about their feelings, so let him know that you are there for him and ready to listen. Show that you care by giving him your full attention and refrain from interrupting. Just let him speak and share whatever he feels comfortable sharing. At the end of the day, you want to focus on listening for the sake of understanding as opposed to listening for the sake of trying to come up with a response.

Tip #2 – Stay Objective & Don’t Judge

It is important to be supportive, not judgmental. Avoid making assumptions or passing judgment on what a man is saying. Remember, you are not in his shoes and you do not know exactly what he is going through. The best thing you can do is to be understanding and accepting of whatever he chooses to share. Simply observe their points and  feelings without adding your own interpretation to the situation.

Tip #3 – Be Optimistic and Encouraging

When men are going through a tough time, it is easy for them to become negative and lose hope. As somebody who is supporting him, it is important to remain positive and upbeat. This doesn’t mean that you should ignore the seriousness of the situation. Rather, you should try to find a way to focus on the silver lining and encourage him to do the same. At the end of the day, what you choose to focus on can heavily impact your perception on all the events around you. If you seek an optimistic opportunity, you will see all the opportunities  that life has to offer. Comparatively, if  you focus on the negative, that is all you will see.

Tip #4 – Take care of Your Mental and Physical Well-Being and Lead By Example

You cannot pour from an empty cup. In order to be there for somebody else, you need to take care of yourself first. This means maintaining a healthy lifestyle and managing your own stress levels. Make sure to get enough sleep, eat a balanced diet, and exercise regularly. Furthermore, it is important to find healthy ways to cope with stress. This could involve things like journaling, yoga, or spending time outdoors. At the end of the day, sometimes leading by example is the best approach to inspire others.

Tip 5 – Seek Professional Help

If you feel like you are in over your head, do not hesitate to seek professional help. This is not a sign of weakness, but rather a sign of strength. It takes a lot of courage to admit that you need help and to reach out for assistance. If you are struggling to find help, consider contacting us today. We offer several virtual therapy services in Ontario and across Canada. We also offer psychological services all across Canada including but not limited too:


In conclusion,  it is important to learn how to support men’s mental health. This includes things like actively listening, staying objective, being encouraging, and leading by example. If you are struggling to support a man in your life, do not hesitate to reach out for professional help.


Thank you for reading! We hope this article was helpful. For more info, feel free to check out some of our other blog posts down below!

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Information overload and multitasking problems concept. Flat and handdrawn vector illustration.

10 Tips on how to support a child with ADHD

10 Tips on how to support a child with ADHD

If you have a child who has been diagnosed with ADHD, then you know how difficult it can be to manage day-to-day life. There are many things that you can do to support your child and make life a little bit easier for both of you. In this blog post, we will discuss 10 tips on how to support a child with ADHD. Keep reading for helpful advice and information! Let’s get started!

Tip #1: Get organized

This is important for both you and your child. Having a set routine and sticking to it as much as possible will help to minimize chaos and confusion. Create a daily schedule and post it in a visible place. Try to keep activities consistent from day-to-day so that your child knows what to expect.

Tip #2: Encourage positive reinforcement

When your child behaves in the way that you want them to, be sure to praise and encourage them. This will help to reinforce desired behavior and encourage them to do it more consistently. You can use verbal praise, stickers, or other small rewards to show your child that you are pleased with their behavior.

Tip #3: Be patient & Pick Your Battles

This is easier said than done, but it is important to try to remain patient with your child. They are not acting out or misbehaving on purpose and getting frustrated will only make the situation worse. Try to take a deep breath and compose yourself before responding to difficult behavior in a way that may be impulsive and non-constructive.

Tip #4: Create visual aids

If your child is struggling with following verbal instructions, try using visual aids to help them out. This could be in the form of a picture chart or written list. Having a visual representation of what they need to do can be very helpful for children with ADHD. This works because it allows them to see what they need to do, rather than just trying to remember it which can help them conceptualize desirable behavior patterns easier.

Tip #5: Give short & concise instructions

When giving your child instructions, be sure to keep them short and to the point. This will help to avoid overwhelming them and causing them to tune out or become frustrated. This can be done by doing your best to stick to one task or request at a time. Also improving clarity and your communication about what it is that you want them to do can be helpful as well.

Tip #6: Use a timer

If your child is struggling with completing tasks or sitting still for long periods of time, try using a timer. This will help to break down the task into more manageable chunks and provide a visual representation of how much time they have to complete it. You can also use a timer to let them know when it is time for a break. This can be helpful in preventing meltdowns or tantrums or in the long-run any forms of burnout.

Tip #7: Get moving and Get Sensory

Many children with ADHD tend to have excessive levels of energy and have a hard time sitting still for long periods of time. It is important to provide opportunities for your child to release this energy in a positive way. Try to incorporate physical activity into your child’s daily routine. This could be in the form of a short walk, playing outside, or participating in a structured activity such as sports. Also having cognitive games like puzzles, building blocks, magnets etc. can help calm your child and channel their energy into a mental task. Also using sensory items like playdough, slime, water or sand tables can also help stimulate focus and sensory feelings that can help manage ADHD.

Tip #8: Limit screen time

Screen time can be very stimulating for children with ADHD and can make it difficult for them to focus on other tasks. It is important to limit the amount of time your child spends in front of a screen. This includes television, computers, tablets, and phones. You should also avoid having screens in your child’s bedroom so that they are not tempted to use them when they should be sleeping.

Tip #9: Make Sure Your Child Gets Enough Sleep

Sleep is very important for everyone, but it is especially important for children with ADHD. Lack of sleep can exacerbate symptoms and make it more difficult for children to focus and concentrate. It is important to establish a bedtime routine and make sure that your child is getting enough sleep each night. Depending on your child’s age here are some recommended sleeping hours according to Kids Health:

  • Infants (4–12 months: 12–16 hours, including naps
  • Toddlers (1–2 years): 11–14 hours, including naps
  • Preschool (3–5 years): 10–13 hours, including naps
  • School-age (6–13 years): 9–12 hours
  • Teens (14–17 years): 8–10 hours

Tip #10: Seek Professional Help

If you feel like you have tried everything and your child is still struggling, it may be time to seek professional help. There are many resources available to families dealing with ADHD. Talk to your child’s doctor or a mental health professional to see what options are available to you. At Cedarway Therapy we offer ADHD Diagnosis Ontario services and have professional child psychologists who can help. Contact us today and schedule a free consultation with us.

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