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10 Study Tips to Manage Your Stress & Your Mental Health

10 Study Tips to Manage Your Stress & Your Mental Health

When you’re going through a tough time, it’s important to remember that you’re not alone. Millions of people around the world are also struggling at the same time with similar issues. However, this doesn’t mean that you can’t succeed academically. In fact, there are many things that you can do to make studying easier while dealing with mental health problems. In this blog post, we will cover 10 study tips that can help you get through school while managing your mental health. Hopefully, these tips will help make your academic journey a little bit easier!

When reading this blog, if you find the tips to be hard to implement despite trying, you may need to reach out for support from your doctor and or a mental health professional. It is important that you don’t blame yourself or become self critical if things are not working out. There may be underlying issues that need to be addressed first and once corrected, you will have more success in implementing tips. 

Tip #1: Create a Study Schedule

There is a time for everything. Creating a study schedule can be extremely helpful when you’re trying to balance school with your mental health. By setting aside specific times for studying you can make sure that you’re not overworking yourself. Having time for studying, self care, social connections and meaningul activities is key to a sound mental health wellbeing. 

Tip #2: Utilize App or Distraction Blockers

If you find yourself getting distracted easily, it may be helpful to utilize an app or distraction blocker. These tools can help to prevent you from accessing certain websites or apps that may cause you to lose focus. Additionally, they can also help to reduce distractions by blocking notifications from popping up on your screen.

Tip #3: Find a Preferred Study Space

If you are going through stress and or other mental health issues, your level of focus can oftentimes be impacted. As a result when it comes to studying its important to find a preferred study space that is most conducive to your efficiency. This means finding a space that is quiet, well lit, and comfortable. It also means having all the supplies you need in close proximity so that you can avoid any potential stressful trigger that could come from having to search for something.

Tip #4: Listen to white noise that Helps You Focus

White noise can be a great therapeutic tool to help you focus while studying if you are going through mental health problems. White noise that can block out any distractions and help to soothe your mind. Make sure to choose the type of noise that is calming and won’t serve as a further distraction. If you need complete silence to focus, that is perfectly understandable too!

Tip #5: Get Enough Sleep

Getting enough sleep is critical for both your physical and mental health. It’s especially important to make sure that you’re getting enough rest as sleep can help to improve your focus and concentration, as well as reduce stress levels. On average you want to aim to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night. In addition to that, try to get your sleep earlier on in the night as your body naturally heals and alleviates your levels of stress earlier on in the night. If you are having trouble sleeping despite trying talk to your doctor. 

Tip #6: Take Appropriate Study Breaks

Oftentimes, when people are studying they will try to push through their studies for long periods of time without taking any breaks. This can lead to mental and physical exhaustion, which can make it difficult to focus on the task at hand. It is important to take breaks throughout your study session in order to stay fresh and focused. Breaks will also give you time to clear your head and come back to the material with a fresh perspective and more motivation to get the work done.

Tip #7: Exercise Before Studying

Exercise is a great way to increase your energy and focus levels. Exercise releases endorphins, which have mood-boosting effects. A moderate amount of exercise can also help to improve your sleep quality, which is important for maintaining mental health. Taking a brisk walk or going for a light jog before you start studying can help you increase blood flow to your brain and get your mind in the right place to focus on your work.

Tip #8: Do the Hardest Tasks First

When you have a lot of material to cover, it can be tempting to start with the easy stuff and save the harder tasks for later. However, this can often lead to procrastination and leaving the most difficult tasks until the last minute. It is often more effective to start with the most challenging material first when you just wake up and have energy. This will help you get into a flow state and make better use of your time. Once you have tackled the hardest tasks, you will likely find that the rest of the work seems much easier in comparison.

Tip #9: Find a Study Method That Works Best For You

Everyone learns differently and what works for one person might not work for another. As a result, it is important to find a study method that suits your learning style. Some people prefer to study in short, frequent bursts while others like to study for longer periods of time with more breaks in between. Experiment with different methods and find what works best for you. You might also want to consider what type of learner you are. Among some of the main types include, visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learners. Based on this information you can tailor your study strategy to include things such as flashcards, mind maps, or hands on work to make it a more enjoyable study process.

Tip #10: Surround Yourself With Supportive People

Mental health problems can be isolating and it is important to surround yourself with people who understand what you are going through. Being around people who are supportive and positive can help to improve your mood and make it easier to manage your mental health condition. If you do not have any supportive people in your life, there are many online support groups that can provide you with the help and guidance you need.


There are many different  tips and methods that can help to make the process of studying easier. Experiment with different techniques and find what works best for you. If you are having trouble, reachout to someone at your school wellness or guidance centre, family doctor and or a mental health professional. 

All in all, if you or someone you know is struggling with mental health or overcoming their learning disabilities, please feel free to reach out for help. Contact us today to get a free consultation or checkout our Google My Business Profile for more information. We would love to help you out.

Thanks for reading and happy studying!



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